Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Mom!!" I scream. Ren's face turns red and he avoids looking at the door, where my mom stood. Her face was red as well, and I couldn't really tell wether it was out of anger or embarrassment. Maybe both.

"W-what... who... what's going on here?" She said, pointing at the small blonde boy on my lap, completely naked. Her expression was really hard to read. She looked sort of... disappointed.

"Mom... I..." I started. Am I really going to admit this? I looked into Ren's eyes, which where squeezed shut, a few tears escaping from their corners. "I'm gay." I state, now looking her in the eyes.

"Well, obviously." She says. She rolls her eyes dramatically and puts a hand on her hip. "I've known that for a while sweetheart. I want to know who this is and why they're in the bathtub with you." My mouth drops open. H-hey... I just figured this out a couple days ago, how did she already know!?

"U-um..." I start but Ren cuts me off by turning around and flashing a bright smile my mom's way.

"I'm Ren! It's nice to meet you." He says cheerfully. How did he go from crying to this? Strange...

"Why, hello! My, you sure do have a cute little face!!" She pauses and looks at his ears. Shit....

"Are you two doing some sort of role play?" She asks then suddenly facepalms. "Oh my! I should probably leave now, it's getting a bit awkward." She giggles. I don't think I've seen my mom so happy before. Well this went better than expected.

"Thanks mom. Bye now." I say with quite a bit of attitude in my voice. She slips out of the door and Ren looks back at me.

He leans in closer to me, a huge grin on his face. "I think your mom likes me!" He whispers and places a kiss on my lips. I savor the kiss for a while but he soon pulls away.

I look up at him. He smiles down at me. "I think we should probably get out of here, we might looks like prunes before too long." I say which makes him giggle.

He stands up and we get out. I hand him a towel and wrap my own around my waist. As I reach for the doorknob, I feel a small and wet hand intertwine with mine. I turn around to see Ren, wet and happy, smiling up at me.

We walk hand in hand into my room and to my closet. I dig around for some things to wear. I end up wearing just some basketball shorts. Ren wears my KU shirt and grey sweatpants.

When we are dressed, we walk over to my bed and lie down. I wrap one arm around Ren and pull him close to me. I softly kiss him on the forehead.

"I love you, Keegan." I hear him whisper. I smile. God, the things this boy does to me. And to think, he was just my cat! Now he is my own Neko.

"I love you too, Ren." I say and pull him on top of me. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him into a kiss. He soon breaks it though. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing at all... I was just thinking maybe your mom should meet me when I'm not sitting on top of you naked in the bathtub... Just a suggestion." He says quietly. I laugh which causes him to smile. We both end up laughing.

After our little laughing fit, we get up and walk downstairs together. I heard my mom in the kitchen. We walk in and I see her almost asleep at the table, a cup of coffee in her hands.

"Mom?" I ask and she snaps awake.

"Wha-huh?" She mumbles. When she sees us she settles again. "What it it boys?" She asks, nonchalantly.

Ren walks over to her, holding out a small, pale hand to her. "I wanted to introduce myself to you properly. I'm Ren." He says, smiling the whole time. He shake my mothers hand and she looks at his ears once again. "And yes, I have cat ears. You see, I'm not really quite sure how it happened exactly... but I'm your cat. Ren. Ya know... Meow!" He mumbles, suddenly awkward.

My mom looks at him as if he is speaking a foreign language. "You mean to tell me... my son is in love with his cat. Who's now a human, just with cat ears?" She says sarcastically. Of course, Ren doesn't notice and nods his head enthusiastically. My mom bursts out laughing. Ren looks at me, slightly confused.

"Mom, he's not lying." I tell her, even though I know that's what it sounds like. I mean, who in their right mind would believe it. Sometimes even I think I'm getting punk'd but it went too far so they never told me and the actor for Ren was gay and he just sorta fell in love with me and never told me the truth.... What? It's possible, right?

"Yeah, honey. And I'm married to James Dean. Now run along with your little lover. Or would you rather me say pet, that's what he is, right?" She laughs again.

How could she not believe me? I'm not lying and neither is Ren! A-and he is not my lover! But... He isn't just my pet anymore either. I sigh aloud. This is going to be harder than I though.

"Mom, look at me." She automatically stops laughing when she hears the seriousness in my voice. "I'm not lying to you. Ren somehow turning into a Neko and I'm now in love with him."

Her face drains of all color. She runs a hand through her hair with a weird expression running across her face. "Oh god... what am I ganna tell your father!?"


Omg guys!! I am soooo soooo soooooooo sorry for the late update! I've been having writers block >.< everything I wrote sounded bad!! So sorry!! I hope you're still reading this!! <3

Sorry it's kinda short also... But I will be sure to upload soon!!

Make sure to:

~Maddie Kat

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