A Secret Life

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(This is my first book on Wattpad and I'm still trying to figure this out so don't get mad if this really sucks. Oh and this is only one pov. Her name is skylar)

I stared down at my hands in disbelief, my heart plummeting around my chest. How did I do that?

I grabbed the pencil off the floor. Was I the one that broke it? I must just be out of my mind. But that was impossible! The pencil was perfectly still! Unless a demon came out of no where and demolished that into tiny fragments, I must have done it. My hands were shaking so I clenched them into fists. Big mistake. The carpet under my feet shriveled up and burst into flames.

I screamed and ran from the room. No scratch that, ran from myself. I felt rain come down on my shirt, then I realized those were tears. I heard sizzling. I looked down and I realized my tears were burning holes in the ground.

I felt hands clasp around my wrist and I screamed. Could this day get any worse? Slowly, I turned around.

"Hi, I'm Eathon and let me explain," the mystery boy said. That was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

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