Chapter 15

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Have you ever felt like you couldn't breathe, even though you knew all you had to do was inhale and exhale? No matter how hard you tried it felt as if you were frozen in spot. As if your body just shut down. It could be from either happiness or sadness. Your parents randomly surprises you with a brand new car, or you find out a close relative you haven't seen in a while suddenly passed away. You know it's true but your mind don't want to believe it. Instead you convince yourself it's some kind of sick joke or a lie.

Well that's how I feel at this very moment.

Here I am standing in front of everyone unmoving. Frozen. Numb. Trying to process what Angelo just said. Trying to process that my mom, Jason, and Amy are missing. It feels like I just got hit by a bus. I couldn't breathe. It felt as if my heart stopped beating before it sped back up. Blinking away the tears that were threatening to fall, I looked back at Angelo.

"You're lying," I knew he wasn't but I couldn't believe him. I didn't want to believe him. I didn't want to go through this pain of knowing my mom, Jason, and Amy are in danger.

Angelo didn't answer. He stared at me intensely. Watching me. Knowing that I would break any minute now. I looked at Alex, Logan, Luke, and Nicole trying to find some indication of a joke.

I wanted them to laugh and say 'you should have seen your face' or 'April fools' even though it's not April 1st. I didn't care. I just wanted someone to tell me this is a bad dream and I would wake up any minute now. But I knew this wasn't a dream, and I knew that Angelo wasn't joking.

"How... why?" Confusion ran through me. I opened and closed my mouth not understanding what's going on. No one even made a move to answer. Seeing this, rage starts to consume me. "You have no right to keep things from me. That's my best friend, brother, and mom out there!" I yelled getting upset.

Still no one made a move to answer.

"Why won't any of you answer me?" I whispered. All of them stared at me with emotionless eyes. Not showing any signs of anything. I hated the fact that I couldn't read them.

"Answer me!" I shouted, But they only stared at me as if I'm the crazy one. I mentally scoffed. They have no idea. "Who have them? Why did they take them?"

Again, silence.

Silence lingered throughout the room. I felt my insides bubbling with anger. As if the silence was mocking me. Taunting me. Trying to see how far my anger would go. No one answered me - I wasn't really expecting them to. I finally understood why they are quiet. I turned to Angelo and instead of yelling my questions at everyone, I directed them to him knowing he was the only one that could give me some answers.

"Why was my family kidnapped?" I asked trying to keep my voice calm and controlled.

Knowing Angelo, if I yell and scream he'll ignore me, so I tried to keep my tone down. Angelo stared at me for what seem like forever. His gaze burning my eyes. I was tempted to look away but I knew I had to stand my ground. I stared into those stormy eyes not letting my gaze falter. Angelo didn't make no move to answer, and didn't make no move to look away. I finally broke our eye contact and shifted a little, feeling intimidated by his stare, before moving my gaze back to him.

"This is all your fault." I accused glaring at him. Angelo only raised an eyebrow at my accusation. "If you had never kidnapped me and dragged me into your-" I pointed an accusing finger at him. "-messed up life, this wouldn't have happened. It's probably was one of your enemies that kidnapped them. Wanting to get back at you. Thinking if they kidnap your precious wife's family it would hurt you in the process."

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