Chapter 29

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As I laid here next to Angelo with my head resting on his chest I couldn't help but think about the difference between now and when I first met him. How much I hated him back then. How much I wished he would just leave me alone. I never once thought I would fall in love with the man I blamed for ruining my life, yet here we are. Everything felt so perfect being here in his arms, all my problems ceded to exist. No Roberto, no mafia, no price tag... I never wanted this feeling to end.

"What're you thinking about?" Angelo asked pulling me away from my thoughts.

I looked up into meeting stormy gaze. "When I use to hate you."


I nodded. "Yup, I hated you just as much as I hated Olivia. You ruined my life because of her." I told him as I let my finger trace every scar on his chest.

"Hate, such a strong word." He stated. "I hated you too." I frowned feeling a little disappointed.

"How much?"

He smirked. "As much as I love you." He said causing me to smile. My gaze fell on his moist lips, not being able to stop myself I kissed him. My lips lingered on his for a minute before he decided to deepen the kiss. I smiled into the kiss loving how our lips moved together in sync. I groaned when Angelo pulled away. He laughed shaking his head.

"As much as I'll like to make love to you again, we have things to do today."

I sat up, slightly getting off him furrowing my brows in confusion. "Things? What things?" Instead of answering me he stood.

"Get dress." I looked down suddenly very aware of my nakedness. I felt my cheeks heat up, Angelo must've also noticed because he chuckled. Without sparing him a glance I grabbed one of his shirts. Throwing it on I quickly went into the bathroom to wash. Once done I walked into the room with only a towel wrapped around my body. Angelo was all dressed in his business attire looking like sex on legs.

His gaze fell on me and I could see the lust fill his eyes as they roamed my body. Without warning he slammed me against the wall his lips finding mine as they moved together roughly. I felt the familiar ache in my core that only he could tend to. Angelo kissed me harder... rougher, needing more I wrapped my legs around his torso. His pants were the only thing in the way from me getting what I want. He suddenly pulled away resting his head against mine as we both panted trying to regain our breath.

"We need to stop,"

"Why?" I asked surprising myself. Angelo smirked placing a small light kiss on my lips before pulling away.

"Come down when you're dress." I nodded. As he was about to walk out the room a question came to me that I never thought about.

"What about Lucia?" Angelo stopped but didn't turn to face me.

"What about her?" I frowned.

"You're engaged... what will happen to her?"

"Leave her to me." He said before walking out the room. I sighed before getting dress. I couldn't help but feel like I was on cloud nine as I made myself downstairs. Knowing Angelo was mine and mine alone had me feeling satisfied, releasing all the pressure from my shoulder. But what I wasn't prepared to see was Angelo embracing Lucia so intensely. I felt my heart clench at the sight.

He's only hugging her, nothing more then a hug. I mean it's like a goodbye hug. Yeah, a good bye hug. But my thoughts soon faltered as I watched Lucia pulled Angelo into a passionate kiss. I waited and waited for Angelo to pull away but he never did. His hands rested tenderly on Lucia's hips. Not being able to watch any longer I did the first thing I could do.

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