Part 12

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Caitlin's POV

I have been up with Barry all night, he still hasn't woken up. Zoom broke his back, his neck and multiple bones. If he didn't have super speed i don't think he would be able to walk again.

"Caitlin have you gotten any sleep?" Cisco asks as he sees me sitting beside Barry

"I have to be here when he wakes up"

"Caitlin i know you two haven't been dating long, but Barry would not want to see you killing yourself waiting for him to wake up" Cisco explains

"I love him....and he loves me. I'm going to stay here until he wakes up" I finally say

Cisco walks out leaving Barry and I by ourselves.

"Barry please i need you"

This started bringing back memories from when he was struck by lightning. I remember sitting in the exact same position waiting for this stranger to wake up so i can make sure he was okay. I never thought the same man i asked to pee in a cup would end up being the love of my life. After a while i begin to hear yelling coming from the cortex.

"This is all your fault!" Joe yells towards Harry

"You act like i wanted this to happen! with zoom gone how I'm supposed to get my daughter back!"

"Jesse? Is that your daughter" I ask as they all look towards me

"She is my daughter. Zoom has her"

"I don't care! Barry could have died" Joe yells just before storming off

"I'm sorry i didn't mean for this to happen" Harry apologizes

"It's fine" I walk back to Barry. As i walk in i see his eyes begin to flutter open

"Barry your okay!" I run to his side

"I don't feel okay" Barry softly says

"Well the good thing is you are will just take a couple of days" I explain but i feel the tears forming in my eyes

"Hey, I'm the one who is supposed to be upset" Barry grabs my hand as he makes jokes

"I'm sorry it's just i can't believe what he did to you.....i just keep picturing it over and over in my mind" I explain to him as he scoots over on the bed, he pulls me next to him

"Hey i will recover and we will figure out a way" Barry begins to sit up

"Barry you need to lay back down. Your back is broken and you are probably in a lot of pain" I ask pushing him back down

"I want to kiss you"

"Kiss me when you are i have to go get Joe because after what happened awhile ago he probably needs to see you" I explain getting up and grabbing my phone

"What happened?" Barry asks

"He and Harry had a bit of a screaming match. Joe was of course upset and so was Harry, Harry's daughter was taken by zoom" I explained to him

I quickly walk out to the cortex to see Cisco and Harry.

"Barry is awake!"

I got Joe and Iris right away and told them to come over.

"I'm glad to have you back" Iris says putting her hand on my shoulder

"Yeah me too. So how long was i out for?" Barry asks

"Only a day" Cisco explains

"You guys must have been really bored" Barry laughs wincing from the pain

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