Part 20

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Barry's POV

She has been only gone a day and i am already worried whether she is alive or not.

"Hey you okay?" Iris ask as she approaches me as i am sitting in the treadmill

"No. Caitlin is gone and there is no way of getting her back since we can't create the breaches" I confess to her as she sits next to me

"We will get her back. Cisco is trying to figure out a way...and Felicity said she would keep and eye out for her in STAR city"

Oliver and Felicity left this morning. Which is understandable since Damien Dark is trying to destroy the whole world

"What am i gonna do?" I ask as i feel her arm go around my shoulders

"Stop losing hope for one. You think Caitlin would like to see you acting like you are giving up when nothing has been done?" She asks in a stern voice that definetly got my attention

I turn to her but before i can answer i feel her press her lips against mine. I quickly step away not reciprocating the kiss, i see the hurt look in her eye but what about mine

"Iris what are you doing! Why would you do that?" I ask stepping away from her as i see her stand up with me

"Barry..." She starts to say approaching me

"I am in the most vulnerable state right now and you think it's the best time to kiss me? YOU just got done telling me not to give up and telling me to have hope but then you do that! Why!" I yell towards her

"I'm sorry but Barry i have to tell you how i feel" She says

"No! You don't get to do that"

"I love you Barry Allen...i do. And i think i always have been" She confesses

"I love Caitlin. She is my whole world...I'm sorry but i am in love with her and i always have been" I tell her as i finally calm down but i see tears starting to form in her eyes

"Barry on earth 2 i know we were married. We can have that life...what about the newspaper and all the history we have. Don't you care about any of that?" She asks with tears streaming down her face

"No...Caitlin is my future and i won't give her up. I don't love you like that. Right now i don't even love you as a friend" I finally tell her as i run out of the room and out of the cortex

Earth 2

Caitlin's POV...

I wonder how Barry is doing. I am sitting on this uncomfortable bed waiting for anything to happen, i wonder how this is effecting Barry. He is probably freaking out...staying up all night trying to figure out a way to find me. I feel the tears streaming down my cheeks as i start to thing about it.

"Cait...why are you crying?" Jay asks as he walks back into this room

"You already know the answer to that question"

" shouldn't be like this...i am trying to make this place a nice enough place for you" He yells at me

"You think i would have been happy you took me away from my friends! You just expected me to act like what you are doing isn't wrong" I yell back at him


"I need you to eat...I can't have you dying of starvation or hydration" I says approaching the bed

"No. I rather starve than accept anything you give me"

We walks closer to me sitting right next to me. He reaches his hand the my neck pulling out the necklace that's under my shirt

"Did he give you this?" Jay asks


He yanks it off my neck causing the chain to snap. I see him throw it across the room leaving me speechless

"Barry doesn't know you like i do...don't you understand?" Jay ask as he places his hand on my cheek

"Yes he does. He loves me" I mumble just loud enough for him to hear

"I love you!" Jay yells as he gets off the bed

"From the moment i walked in on you and Barry and saw your face as you turned towards me...i fell. I asked you out and i tried to get you to notice me but you only had eyes for him" Jay explains to me

"I always loved him. You were never gonna change that" I say to him as i stand up and approach him as close as i can

"You won't have him for much longer...when i kill him you are gonna be left alone and i won't be here for you" I whispers as he grabs my hand

I quickly take it out of his and sit back on the bed

"You took e to spite Barry...That's the only reason you wanted me"

"Your right...I should have known that you were never gonna love me like him. Just because i do this doesn't mean I'm not gonna kill him" Jay says approaching me and taking a key out of his pocket. He unlocks both of my wrists finally freeing me

"What about her?" I ask pointing to Killer frost

"She is gonna stay here with me...just until she learns better than to help the enemy. Now come on" He says grabbing my hands and running out of the room

Barry's POV...

"Do you have any ideas" I ask Cisco

"Maybe you could challenge him some how? Like in exchange for Dr.Snow?" I suggest

"Not happening. Barry last time you faced him he broke you back...he tried getting Harry to take your powers. You can't defeat him" Joe says to me

"Why? I am willing to risk my life for her so maybe i can do it"

"Barry...i heard a lot of dumb ideas from you but that has to be the worst" Harry says as both him and Jesse walk in

"Where have you been you could have been here helping us. This is pretty much your fault!" I yell towards him

"Whoa Barry i know i haven't known you for that long but i know you would do anything for Caitlin but killing yourself trying to get her back isn't the solution" Jesse say stepping in front of Harry

"If we can figure out how jay keeps creating these breaches maybe we can figure out a way to get you to Earth 2" Harry says walking over to the computer, i follow him as me we all gather around him to see what he comes up with

"Okay all we need to do is..." Harry starts to say

"No need" I hear as i look towards the door to see Caitlin standing there

"Cait..." I say before running into her arms

"I never thought i would see you again" She whispers as she holds me tighter

"Me neither" I say back as i realize that we are in front of people so i step back and lead her over into one of the hospital beds

"Caitlin how did you get here...Did you escape?" Cisco asks

"He let me go"

"Why would he do that?" Harry asks as i see everyone gathering around her. I see her starting to get nervous so i quickly take a seat next to her grabbing her hand

"He didn't need me...But I'm glad he did"

"I am so glad your back" Cisco says as he pulls Caitlin into a hug, as well as everyone else

"We will leave you guys alone for the rest of the night. We will see you guys later" Joe says as everyone walks out leaving me and Caitlin

"Barry...i missed you so much" She whispers pulling me in for another hug

I start kiss her softly but not letting of her...i never want to let go again. I will never let her go again.

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