Chapter 23-complete

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"Fine then." Addrianna said angrily. She stomps to my torturer and takes the knife from him and walks to me and pushes the knife to my throat, making me bleed.

"No!" Axl screams

Addrianna stops pushing the knife and looks at me frustratingly.

"fine." she whispered to herself, I almost didn't even hear her.

"Cut them down." she orders the guard. He cuts Axl down first, and he hits the ground. He doesn't even have energy to stand up. The guard walks up to me and cuts the rope that was on my arms. Just before I was free, Addrianna walks up to my ear and whispers an "I'm sorry." then walks away.

What just happened?

I run to Axl, who was still on the ground and help him up, and put him next to a tree. I run to Cammie and Astrid's cage, and bang the lock open with a rock. They run out and hug me, crying the whole time.

"Let's go home." I tell them, and we all head home.


"Kill me instead."

Phase 4: complete

Everyone in the room cheers for me and congratulates me.

"You did it, you found our new queen!"

I wanted to give a speech, but the sound of Axl screaming "no!" distracted me, and I turned back to the screen. Addrianna had a knife to Kendra's neck. I had to do something before she kills her.

I stumbled to the microphone and spoke to Addrianna through the earpiece.

"Let them go and come back to the headquarters. Now. The mission is a success. You can come get your mother." "fine."


"Where is my mother? I want to see her!" I barged into the headquarters.

The guards rush to my sides and take my arms.

"What is this? I did what you said I must do! Where is my mother! I want to go home!" I am scared of what is going to come next.

The guy who took my mother came forward and gave me a sly smile.

"You're going nowhere, love. You almost killed our future queen."

"What?! I just did what you said I should do! I never wanted to hurt her!"

"We didn't say you should torture her and put a knife to her neck. Guards, take her to her cell."

"This wasn't the plan!" I spit on his shoes.

"Love, plans change."    

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