chapter 10-complete

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"Mom!" I scream.
"Mom, what's going on?" I ask her.
"Honey, you have to listen very carefully to what they tell you, okay sweety? They are here to protect you. Cameron is coming with you..." I cut her off.
"Mom, where are you going, aren't you coming with us?"

I can see the sorrow in her eyes, and they're telling me that she isn't coming with. She takes my backup wheelchair out of the boot, and gives me and Cameron a goodbye kiss. Cameron looks very shocked. "Mom, what's going on?" She asks, but before she can answer, I'm swept away by Axl, with Cameron right next to Astrid.

He takes me into the old station, and into a crumbled down train.
"Why are we here?" I ask Axl
"We're taking you home." Was all he told me.

The old train started to move, and then we were off.

I had so much questions! I think Axl realised it, and sighed.
"Just one question..." he said to me.
"How am I royal?" That's the only question that stood out.

"Your mother was married to the king of Chrystalpale. His parents didn't approve of them. At this time, he was about 24 years old. Everyone hated your mother. She couldn't take it anymore, so she ran away. The king was devastated, and his parents arranged a new marriage for him. Two years later, his wife died. He was depressed ever since, and he became sick. Three years ago, he found out that the woman he first loves, had two daughters. All thanks to you and your car accident. He immediately knew that you were his child because of your birthmark. He has the exact same one, so he ordered his most loyal young soldiers to bring you back home."

"So you're telling me that my father wasn't my real father?"
"Yes. You still have a father, and he is a king."
I look at my sister.
"What about Cameron?"
"We don't know if the king is her father or not, but we doubt she is. She is too young to be his daughter."

Then the train stopped.
"Well then, welcome home." I think I saw a little smirk on his face, but then he went to his regular self with no expression.

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