Canine Squadron

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A lone shuttle lurched out of hyper-space, five armored soldiers sat in silence, broken only by the beeping of the ship's systems and a battered astromech. All of the soldiers wore black phase II clone trooper armor, the only difference being the red markings that litter each suit.

"The Commander's off 'er 'ead." The trooper with three stripes on his forearms grumbled, his DC-15A leaning on his leg.

"Knock it off Coyote, we all know you wanna see the the kid too." The trooper with the red helmet and gauntlets laughed, his Rotary Blaster Cannon was just visible under the bench.

"It's still risky, we haven't left the bleeding base in weeks and we don't have permission to do this, I ain't bailing the Commander out of it this time." Coyote frowned beneath his helmet, his arms folding over his chest.

"Jackal's right Coyote." The trooper with a red V covering the front of his helmet muttered, he lowered his data-pad revealing three diagonal lines going over his chest-plate. His DC-15 tucked under his arm.

"Mongrel, Jackal, stop harassing our sniper or I'll call the Commander in here and I don't think either of you would like that." The visor of the trooper's helmet was red and a medic cross was painted on both shoulder plates. Two DC-17s were holster at his sides and a rocket launcher lay under his bench. The only response was two taps coming from the cockpit. The door opened and a soldier wearing black ARC trooper armor strolled through it, two DC-17s were holster at her sides, a DC-15 strapped to her back and two lightsabers clipped behind the pistols. The armor had a red battle cama, the helmet had a red fin and a red gundark face covering the front of the helmet, the antenna on the side of the helmet was red, two red stripes were positioned on the armor's shin guards and the entire left arm was covered with tally marks. The most noticeable feature was the white togrutan facial markings covering parts of the helmet, only the five in the shuttle knew the meaning.

"I hope you four aren't squabbling again." The Commander sighed, shaking her head slightly.

"It's the only language they understand sir." The medic responded.

"Fawkes, how many times do I have to tell you to drop that bantha fodder?" The medic could tell that the commander was smirking beneath her helmet. The commander turned her attention to Mongrel growing serious for the first time since leaving the base.

"Mongrel, have we received any transmissions?" The communications officer sighed before calmly replying.

"None that I've found sir." Mongrel smirked knowing the commander didn't like formalities, but to his surprise she didn't react to it.

"Then we're in the clear for now, with any luck we won't be suspended from missions when we get back, Razor squadron is unbearable enough already." The troopers all nodded their agreement. A few hours later they arrived at Coruscant and a transmission sounded from the data-pad.

"Unidentified ship, identify yourselves or be on your way." A bored official demanded. The commander straitened before replying.

"This is Commander Ahrk Ryers requesting permission for landing." There was a stretch of silence before the official spoke again.

"You were scheduled to be at the Jedi Temple five hours ago, you may pass." The signal halted and the crew made their way to the temple, waiting to see what awaited them.

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