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"Anna i got a partner for you. he's at the top floor. room 606" my director says.

"you mean the spooky creepy guy in room 606?" i ask dully.
"yea. the board wants you with him. kind of balance it out?" she says with a nod.
i nod and i walk to the elevator.
i adjust my FBI badge and when the elevator dings i walk down the hall.
i knock on the door and i open it.

no one was inside.
i walk around and i pick up a wooden stick? or stake?
the elevator dings again and i look out the door way and i see a guy with long dark hair in a black leather duster stride down the hall.

he stops when he gets to the door way and he looks at me.
"and you are?" he asks in a deep voice.
"Anna. i'm your... partner?" i say sheepishly.
"like that'll last" he mutters as if he's disappointed.

the phone rings and he answers it.
he holds it out to me.
"its for you" he says as he walks behind his desk.
"yes?" i ask.
"bring your partner and yourself down to my office. we got a case for you guys" my director says.
i hang up and me and him walk down the hall.
"Anna Gleeson?" my partner asks me.
"that's me. and you are?" i ask.

"Arthur Jones" he replies.
we get to the director's office and she hands me the case file.
"five dead? all girls. no fingers and hair" i say while taking a deep breathe.
"Homicidal have fun" my director says while giving me a concerned look.
"Ohio seemed so nice till now." i mutter as i sit in the passenger seat.
"so they call you the demon hunter. is that true?" i ask Arthur.
"if i said yes you would never believe me. oh look we're here" he says as we park at the sheriff's station.
i get out and i walk to the front door.
the deputy walks out and shakes hands with me.
"the bodies are this way Mrs. Gleeson" the deputy says as he leads me inside.
i walk inside and i see the bodies on the tables.

"i hear you can solve this?" the deputy asks.
Arthur walks to the tables and he takes the cloth off to inspect them.
"yes, we can solve this" i say with uncertainty.
"that's um good to hear" the deputy says with a smile at me.
"Anna" Arthur calls me over to him.
"how could someone do something that gruesome" i murmur as i see the horrible bodies.
"they were all local strippers" someone says behind us.
i look over and i see the sheriff.
"you knew them?" Arthur asks.
"of course i knew them. they were practically family" the sheriff says while shaking her head.
"You said local strippers?" Arthur asks with curiosity.

i roll my eyes.
"yes Mrs. Harper hired them. she might be helpful in this case" the deputy says with a flirtious wink.
"Lets go" Arthur says as he walks out with me.
we get in the rental car and he starts driving.
"so what up with the spooky hunter look you got going on?" i ask as i motion to this jacket.
"i just like it is all" he says while driving.
"you're strange" i tell him.
"Isn't that why your here? to balance me out?" he asks.
"what ever" i mutter.

we reach the club in no time and i already see the ladies standing out front.
i cringe in disgust.
we get out and immediantly the ladies walk up to us.
well to Arthur.
i push past them and we go to the office.
"Mrs. Harper?" i ask as i see a older lady sitting behind a desk.
she looks up and smiles at me.
"are you looking for a job? you have the right body for it" she says as she scans me.
Arthur holds back laughter and i scowl.
"NO! we're with the FBI can you answer some questions for us?" i ask.

"sure, come in." she says as she motions to the seats in front of her.
"can i look at the files?" Arthur asks.
she nods and Arthur walks to them.
he starts searching to the names of the dead.
"isn't it dangerous to be a....-" Mrs. Harper interuppts me.
"dancer. we call them dancers here. and yes it is very dangerous." she answers.

"Mrs. gleeson come check this out" Arthur says.
i walk over and i see all the dead girls that were handed over to a man named Mr. Flitwick.
"do you know him?" i ask Mrs. Harper.
"i'm sorry i cant give out customer information" she says with a stern look.
my expression becomes cold.
"there are girls dying. and you refuse to give out the killer's name to us?" i ask with anger.
"he comes in once and awhile." she says with a shrug.
"do you ever see him?" Arthur asks.
"He's tall lean but i guess has muscles. he has a certain interest in brunettes." she says.
she looks at my brown hair and i give her a annoyed look.
"lets go" Arthur says.
the next day we head back to the sheriff's office.
the deputy greets us.
"so good to see you guys again" he say with a wink to me.
"we need to talk to the sheriff" Arthur replies.
"right this way" he leads us to a office and when we walk in i see a man that fits the description of Mr.s harper's client.

"your free to go" the sheriff says with exaustion.
"I'm guessing he wasn't the one" the deputy asked that as if he already knew.
"come in. William go" she says with annoyance.
he leaves and me and Arthur walk to the desk.
"we have suspects. just no Flitwick. the name is a alias" she explains to us.
"then how will we find him?" i ask.
"Mrs. Harper called. she said he asked for another brunette tonight." she answers.
Arthur's face lights up.
i stare at my skanky body.

i had a very revealing bikini top on and black leather pants.

the pants had it revealing on my legs too.
my boots were very tight.
i let a makeup artist do my hair and face.
i then slowly walk out to a waiting Mrs. Harper and Arthur.
"this is very dangerous" Arthur tells the sheriff.
"she fits the description. we'll be watching her too. she'll be perfectly safe" the sheriff replies.

"lets go you have to wait outside" Mrs. Harper says.
Arthur walks with us and he puts his leather duster around me.
he leads me to the front and then i hand him the jacket back.
i see the black van as i wait out in the cold dark curb.
ten minute go by and no one shows.
"Anna. its off it went wrong we need to get you out of here." i look up and i see the deputy run up to me.
"Um okay" i say as he pulls me down the alley way.
"William your hurting me" i tell him as he squeezes my arm.
"ANNA" i hear Arthur yell my name.
i stare at William till realization hits me.

Mr. Flitwick" i whisper.
he winks at me.
and that's the last thing i see.
i wake up in a closet a gag was in my mouth and my hands were tied together.
the closet door opens and the deputy walks in.
"YOU RUINED EVERYTHING" he yells at me as he slaps me.
after he yells at me he stands up and walks out.
i hear him start the bath.
i slowly stand up and i feel my legs go like jell-O.
i walk to the door and i jiggle it.
its locked.
i pull out some hair pins and my hair falls in my face.

i slowly pick the lock on the door.

i open the door and i make a run for it.
he yells and then i feel him tackle me.
he pulls me to my feet and then he drags me down the hall to the bathroom.

"NOO SOMEONE HELP" i scream as he pulls me closer to the full bath tub.
my head goes under and i thrash and kick for my life.
my hands find a object and i realize its cologne.

i do my best and i spray it at him in the face.
he yells in pain and i run.

i run down the stairs and i hear him yelling at me.
i reach the bottom and i turn the corner.
someone grabs me and clamps their hand on my mouth.
i muffle scream at the person.
i stop the screaming when i realize its a him and he has a gun.

i also realize two other police officers are here.

the person turns me around and i realize its Arthur.
"are you okay? did he hurt you?" he asks in a hushed whisper.

he removes my hair out of my face and tucks it behind my ear.
"get her to safety" the sheriff whispers.
Arthur nods and he picks me up bridle style and carries me out of the house.

"Anna can you hear us?" i slowly look up at my doctor.
"we asked for you to tell us when you met him. can you tell us what happened next after you were saved?" he asked as if i was a baby.
i let out a soft whimper as i look around my padded room.
"we need you to help sort out reality and imagination" he adds.
"Arthur's real" i whimper.
"then why hasn't he come for you?" the mad doctor asks with a raised eyebrow.

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