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"how's your wrist?" Arthur asks as he walks in to the office.
he wore his usual black leather duster over his black shirt and jean pants.
"its still sore" i say while looking at the files.
after my kidnapping they found out i had a sprained wrist from being tied.
its been a couple weeks after that so i felt fine.

"I got a case from the director" Arthur says as he holds up a file.
i walk to it and he hands it to me.
"its a paranormal case" he adds when he see's the expression on my face as i look through it.
"a whole store with people who inflicted self harm? that sounds.. odd" i mutter.
"well lets get going" Arthur says as he walks out of the office.
we reach the small down in Maine and we go straight to the sheriff's station.

a short man walks up to us.
"Mrs. Gleeson, Mr. Jones how are you?" the sheriff asks.
"we're fine, can you tell us more about this case?" Arthur asks.
i zone out as i look over at a little girl holding a blonde haired doll.

she had on a serious face.
she clutched the doll while staring at us.
"who's she?" i interuppt them talking.
"my girlfriend's daughter she's six, she's a bit odd" the sheriff tells me.
i walk away from them and to her.
"hi, i'm Anna" i say as i croutch down to be at her height.
"i'm Sarah, your friend has a funny coat" she says while staring at Arthur.
"he does doesn't he?" i say while smiling at her.
"Mommy is still upset about Lilly" Sarah says as she finally looks at me.
"who's Lilly?" i ask.

Sarah holds her hand out and i take it.
she brings me around the corner and she looks around like someone was watching.
she covers the doll's ears.
"Lilly is my friend, she did this. no one believes me though. do you believe me?" she whispers to me.
"why do you think Lilly did this? where is Lilly?" i ask.

"she tells me to do things. she scares me sometimes" she says as she holds the doll closer.
"who's Lilly? Sarah i can help you if you just tell me who Lilly is" i tell her.
"she's right here" she says as she holds the doll up.
"lets play" the doll says in a robotic tone.
"Sarah.. do you think the doll is real?" i ask slowly.
"don't say that in front of her! you'll get her upset!!" Sarah actually sounded scared.
like she feared that the doll could hear me.

"Anna?" Arthur yells out for me.
Sarah holds her hands up as if she wanted to be picked up.

i pick her up and i walk back to the sheriff and Arthur.
"Sarah sweetie lets get you home" the sheriff says with a smile.
i set her down and i let him take her away.
she looks back at me and Arthur.

"you believe me don't you?" she asks me.
i slowly nod.
they leave and i look at Arthur.
"what do you think happened to all those people?" i ask him.
"demons possessed them maybe. not much we can do but investigate." he says as he walks to the car.
"i think its something else" i reply as we get in the car.
"why do you think that?" he asks.
"cause you didn't see the girl's face when she was talking about Lilly" i respond.
"who's Lilly?" Arthur asks with a raised eyebrow.

"her doll. she said it made her do things" i tell him.
"then lets start questioning the sheriff's girlfriend" Arthur says as he drives.

"just follow the sheriff? or do we need a address?" i ask him
"he's not going to his girlfriend's house. he's going to his house. you're going to his girlfriend" Arthur says as he pulls over in front of a two story house.
"what why? what will you be doing?" i ask him.
"i'm going to see if this doll is possessed by a demon" he answers.

"why cant i do that?" i ask with crossed arms.
"because you don't believe in demons. now out" he says.

i get out and i walk to the front door.
i knock twice and the door swings open.
a lady stands in the doorway looking at me.

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