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         i hear the door open and someone walks in to the room.
"no one can help you" Michael the doctor whispers in my ear.
i look up at him and he smiles at me.
"just say he isn't real" he adds.
"Arthur is real" i respond.
he slaps me and i let out a laugh.
"no matter how long you beat me, test me, or torture me i will believe he's alive." i reply.
the doctor walks away in anger and leaves me.
the nurse takes off my straight jacket and she makes me sit in the wheel chair as she brings me to the garden.

the light hurts my eyes so i shy away.
"sweetie you can be released from here if you just believe he's gone" she whispers in my ear.
i don't respond so she just shrugs and leaves me outside.
i hear foot steps run up and i see Kim run to me.
she falls on her knees and cups my face in her hands.
"what did they do to you?" she asks as she touches the bruise the doctor gave me by slapping me.
"Anna, don't go silent on me now, i need you, you need to keep me alive" she pleads
i just stare at the flowers in the garden.
"tell me he's not real tell me i'm insane" i say softly.
"Anna don't do this!" she says desperately.
"what if he's a figment in our imaginations" i ask.
she slaps me in anger.
"THEY'RE REAL! WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO YOU" she screams in anger.

a few security guards have to come and hold her down while they inject morphine in to her to calm her down.

they wheel me down the hall and i look over and i see Derrick sitting in his padded room.
he had bruises all over his face and a cut lip.
"Anna?" he asks as he stands up from sitting Indian style in his room.
he walks to his doorway but his door was locked.
"Anna what are they doing?" he yells as his fist pounds on the glass.

usually the doctor would ask me to recite a story and if it wasn't to his liking he would give me a electroshock.
the security guards lift me from the wheel chair when i refuse to move.
they strap me down on the table and Michael walks up.
"open your mouth." he demands.
he holds some pills called insulin.
i do as told and he sticks them in my mouth.
"now your going in to a coma to see why you came here" his voice starts to fade.

i see myself in a open room and i see a huge wolf.
no werewolf.
it looked over and ran at me.
for some reason i ran at it with a syringe.
it hits me right as i stick it with the syringe.
the werewolf lands on the sofa and i stare at my lifeless body.

i see Jack run in and he stares at the scene before him.
the werewolf looks down at me.
"she's dead.. you killed her" jack murmurs.
the werewolf pick me and howls.
he slowly sheds his fur and i realize its Arthur.
he yells in anguish and he sobs while holding my dead body.

the images change and i'm in a incredibly dark place.
a coffin.
my breathing quickens when i realize i'm buried.
i try to claw the top but it felt like my arms were strapped to my sides.
i scream and my head jerks from left to right.
dirt suddenly fills the coffin suffocating me and there was nothing i could do.

"Anna! baby" a voice breaks everything.
the room felt like it was spinning and everything was groggy and blurry.
i look over and i see Derrick.
"what did he do to you?" he says softly.
the alarms go off and he quickly runs away.
Michael walks in with gloves on.
"now lets see if we cant get all those nasty demons out" he says as he pumps morphine in to my body.

i feel like i'm on clouds when he does this.
i see him pick up a drill and chuckle.
"what, what are you going to do?" i ask softly.
"i'm going to drill all the nasties from your brain" he says.
they drag me to my room and my head felt heavy.
i laid on my bed for at least a hour before the nurses get me for dinner.
they drag me to the dining hall and i grab my food and i sit in the far corner of the room.
no one talked to me.
even in here i was a freak.
i don't ever see Kim come and sit next to me.

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