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This is past tense its telling about what happened after chapt. 14

i open my eyes and i breathe out and i feel my hot breathe come back at me.
the entire area was dark.
where was i?
i reach my hand out but it scrapes against something.
i feel around and i realize its soft fabric.
i calm my breathing down since i could feel it come back at me.

i start to panic and i start clawing the fabric.
it tears and i feel smooth wood.
i knew where i was finally.
i was underground in a coffin....

my fist repeatively hit the wood until i feel blood trickle down my fist but the wood broke and i feel dirt fill the coffin.
i push my self up through pounds of muddy soil and i stick my hand out of the ground through the grass.
i feel the burn for oxygen in my lungs but i couldn't move my foot was caught on the coffin.

someone grabs my hand and helps me up.
It was a teenage boy with sandy hair and a jacket.
"are you alright? how did you get down there?" he asks me.
i breathe shakily as i feel the cold air sting my skin.
i look at the tomb stone.
Anna Morgan Gleeson.
it told when i was born and it said when i died.
"whats today?" i ask the boy.
"Friday, the thirteenth of November" he explains to me.

four weeks.
i was gone for four weeks.
"what state am i in?" i ask.
"Michigan, your the daughter of the Gleeson's arn't you?" he asks.
i nod.
"i'll bring you to them they're just down the road" the boy adds.
i stand up shakily and the boy leads me down a pathway through some woods till i see my family's mansion.

he knocks on the door and the butler David answers it.
"Anna....?" David murmurs in shock.
"help me" i plead.
he takes me away from the boy and leads me down the hall to the sitting room.
my parents look up and they see me.

they had a surprised expression on their faces.
"Anna sweetie how did this happen?" My father asks as he makes me sit down.

"we were in Virginia and we were looking in to a case about werewolves, then Arthur turned in to one and he killed me" i answer.
i continue to detail it and my parent just look at each other then they nod.
"is it time?" my mother asks.
my father nods then stands up.

"Anna come with us, we'll get you fixed up" My father says as he leads me to the car.

i buckle myself in and i sit quietly while my family drive for hours.
i see it before they pull in.
Blackwell insane asylum.
when they park i knew what they were doing.
i quickly unbuckle myself and i jump out of the car and i make a run for it.

"ANNA STOP!" my father yells.
I sprint away but i see two security guards run after me.
they grab me and pull me back.
"let me go!" i scream.

they drag me down a hall way to the mental wing.
i constantly scream at them i yelled at them to make them let me go but they didn't.

i see a man with green eyes a sharp jaw line and dark hair.
he looked at me while he stood in his cell.
i had seen him before he was Derrick.
he stared at me intently.
"Anna you were talking nonsense about dolls and werewolves killing you! we had to do something" my mother tells me.
"let me go please" i beg.

she shakes her head and i bite one of the security guards until i tasted blood.
he let me go screaming in pain and i spit the blood out at the other guard and he lets me go to clean his face off.
i make another run for it but a doctor stabs me with a syringe and i fall back and i lean against a door way as i pull the syringe from my neck.
"your going to die for that" i mutter to the doctor.

i remember what Michael the doctor who just stuck me with morphine and a sleeping thing said about Derrick.
i slam my fist in to the key pad for Derrick's door and it slides open.
"why did you do that?!" the doctor yells at me angrily.
Derrick walks out of his cell and he was grinning.

the doctor quickly grabs me and pulls me up so i'm in front of him.
he held more morphine syringe to my neck.
"come near me and i kill her" the doctor threatens.
"who is she to me?" Derrick shrugs.
the doctor's face goes from shocked to fear.
right before he pushed me he stuck morphine in me.
he pushes me and since i was half delirious i nearly fell to the floor but Derrick grabs me.

"thanks i needed her" Derrick says while picking me up.
he carries me down the hall in a fast sprinting pace.
he turns a corner and he crouches down and yanks a vent door from the wall and crawls in while dragging me along with him.
it opens up to be very large to where you could sit without hitting your head.
he sets me against the wall and i fight to keep my eyes open.
"shhh go to sleep baby doll" he whispers.

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