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     "You guys will have so much fun when we get there" Danielle says happily as she drives.
What she meant by that was the FBI held a conference for partners to get to know each other each year.

Sadly Danielle dragged me, Arthur and her partner Ben in to this. 
Me and Arthur sat in the back but we didn't look at each other.
I think he was upset with me for telling him we couldn't kiss or date or what ever.
Its been two weeks GET OVER IT!

"You guy's look like you need it. Partners are suppose to be able to tell each other everything that happens in their lives. Like me and my wife had sex last night before i left" Ben says.

"How was it?" Danielle asks.
"No!! Don't tell please! Lets stay silent!" I beg.
"It was nice we did all that stuff i told you about" he went on and on about what they did.
He even told us every sound.

"I'm going to throw up" i groan.
"She does look sick" Danielle says as she looks back at me.
"Eyes on the road" Arthur demands.
I knew he didn't trust them to drive. Heck he didn't trust me driving.

"Pull over she might vomit" Ben orders.
Danielle pulls the car over and i climb out and i run to the closest tree and i puke.
I was car sick aready but they made it worse about talking about sex and how they had kids.

Me. I couldn't have kids.
I was barren i would never be able to say i made this kid.
I throw up again and i lean against the tree for support.

"Are you okay?" Danielle yells from the car.
"I think she threw up" Ben explains to Danielle.
I walk back to the car and i buckle in.
"You good?" Ben asks.
"Sure" i reply.

Danielle starts driving again.
They start talking about what was at the confrence like activities and tests to see if you trust your partner.
"Theres even a mystery game! It will be so fun! Didn't you and Kim do it?" Danielle asks.

I nod.
"How was it? Was it hard?" She asks.
"It was easy." I answer.
"Great, Its easy. Now this conference will probably be boring" Ben says with disappointment.

"Lets play twenty questions!" Danielle says excitedly.
"You go first" Ben replies.
"Okay i'm ready" she says back.
"Is it a person?" Ben asks.
"Nope, 19 more" she answers.
"Is it a animal?" He asks.
"Nope, 18 more" she says while giggling.

"Is it a object?" He asks.
"Yes! 17 more" she replies.
"Is it a car?" He asks.
"No, 16 left" she answers.
"Does someone use it often?" He asks.
"Yes, 15 left" she says with excitement.

"Is it a tooth brush?" He asks.
"No! 15 left" she giggles.
"Is it smaller then a box of cereal?" He asks.
"Nope 14 left" she says.
It gets all the way down to four questions left.
Ben finally got its a object its bigger then a cereal box its black, leather, and in this car.

"Let someone else do the questions" Danielle says.
"Anna do you want to guess?" Ben asks.
I stop groaning with annoyance and i sigh with annoyance.
"Is it Arthur's fricken jacket?" I ask.

"Yes! How did you know?!" She answers.
I groan even louder in annoyance.
"I think she spends a little bit too much time with him if she knows its his jacket, i would've never guessed it was his jacket" Ben tells her.

"How often do you play twenty questions?" I ask.
"Every time we get in the car. " Danielle answers.
"Ooh Anna banana who would you be if you could be anyone in thos car that wasn't you?" Ben asks.

Arthur Snickers at my name and i slap his shoulder in annoyance.
Well lets see.
Danielle it happy Ben has too much sex in his life.
"I'd be Arthur" i reply.
"Why?" Danielle asks.

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