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     i get out of the car and my dress nearly got caught in the door.
my flower dress was killing me.
i look around the pristine neighborhood.
"perfect homes. and tons of death" i mutter to myself.
i walk up the driveway and i see a family walk up.
"Mrs. Wood? Mr. Wood?" the father of the family asks.

i smile and nod.
i look back and i see Arthur walk up.
he wore a white shirt with a light blue sweater tied around his neck with blue jeans.
now you may be wondering what was happening and why those people was calling me Mrs. wood and Arthur Mr. Wood.
it started with a case with five families dead and a couple other families missing in the most clean and pretty neighborhood in the entire USA.
it was voted.

so the director put me and Arthur under cover as a couple and was going to pretend to live here until we figure out what exactly happened.
all the houses was the same.
not one was different.
Arthur comes and stands next to me.
"John nice to meet you" he says as he holds his hand out to shake with the father.
"i'm Joe and this is my wife Luna" the father says while smiling.

"this is my wife Teresea" Arthur says as he puts a arm around my shoulder.
"we're so glad you moved in" Luna says while smiling at me.
"this place looks amazing" i tell them.
"Now there are a few rules. you cant have any thing that the head of the neighborhood doesn't want you to have. he's strict in that way" Joe tells us.
"well can we see the house now?" Arthur asks.

Joe nods and me and Arthur walk to the house.
it was a gorgous mansion.
we walk in and i see some of the stuff already unpacked.
there was some boxes that needed unpacking.
when i close the door i walk over to the packed boxes and i open them.

"nice family" Arthur mutters as he opens another.
in mine had my phone and any neccisities to survive this.
in Arthur's was his black leather duster and some of his clothes.
"i'm going to change" i tell him as i grab a plain red shirt with jean pants.
"but you looked so cute" Arthur replies.
"its winter, no" i respond
i go to the bathroom and i change.

i walk back out and the door bell rings.
Arthur answers it and a young man looks at him.
"hello i'm Mathew your next door neighbor" he says.
"John, this is teresea" Arthur replies.
i smile at him.
"do you need help unpacking? i can help. its best to unpack before night" Mathew asks.
"oh no we're fine" Arthur answers.

they talk for a few minutes and i explore the new house.
i go up to a room on the second floor and i see the new carpet.
"whats that?" Arthur asks.
"new floor" i mutter.
i get a x-actor knife and i cut through the carpet.
i pull the carpet up with the help of Arthur and i stare at the blood stained floor.

"well. we found out where the other family died" Arthur says.
the door bell rings again and Arthur goes to see who it is.
i look at the blood more carefully and i see stuff in it.
i touch it and i realize its a beetle.
"what is that doing  in the blood?" Arthur asks when he comes back.
"i don't know. what did the case file say?" i ask.
"the victims had blood coming out of their eyes, ears, nose, and mouth" he responds.
"who was at the door?" i ask as i study the beetle.

"The Woods were asked to dinner by the Marshalls" Arthur says as he studies the blood.
"its poisoned. the blood. it has some kind of poison in it. from the bugs" i tell him.
"who's the Marshalls?" i add.
"the family we just met" Arthur says.
"we could get information from them" i reply.
"or we could get information from Kim" he says back.
"she's still in the hospital. let me call Jack" i tell him.

i get out my phone and i call Jack.
"yessum? you need something?" Jack says as he answers.
"what do you know about beetles?" i ask.
"they were a band" he responds.
"I meant the bug beetles" i say with annoyance.
"i know what you meant. but you cant hit me so i can crack jokes all i want, anyways some beetles eat dead meat but it would take hundred maybe thousands to eat something" jack explains.

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