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    i walk in to mine and Arthur's office to see him watching a tape of a lady showing bruises.
he looks at me then back at the video.
"did the director send us that?" i ask.
"no, the lady sent us this saying she was beaten and raped by a invisible person" he responds.
"are we going to check it out?" i ask.
he nods.
"nothing like Blackwell's insane asylum" Arthur mutters.
we walk in and a employee comes and shakes our hands.
"we heard something happened here" Arthur says.
"its nothing just a few bumps and bruises"someone says.
i look over and i see a guy with a doctor's coat on.
"I'm Michael its nice to meet you guys, i'm the doctor here" he says while smiling.

"we're investigating a case about a girl being raped?" Arthur asks.
"yes well, she has quite the imagination" he replies.
"did she get in any arguments with anyone here recently?" i ask.
"Mr. Crowell had a run in with her, he flirted with her a few times." Michael tells me.
"and that's bad because?" Arthur asks.
"Mr. Crowell is ninety years old, here i'll let you meet him" Michael leads us to a room and we walk through.

a older man had only a towel covering him as he looked through some boxes.
"Mr. Crowell you have guests" Michael says.
Mr. Crowell looks up and smiles at us.
"you look pretty" he tells me.

Arthur clears his throat.
"we heard you had a fight with a nurse?" Arthur asks.

"it wasn't a fight. i was just looking for fun" he says with a shrug.
"Fun?" i ask.
"excuse me, my pipes work fine, see?" he says as he takes off his towel.
i quickly avert my eyes so i don't seen anything.
i look at Arthur instead and i see his jaw was clenched.
"Oops sorry i din't mean to step on you toes" he jokes.
we walk down the hall and i look through one of the door ways and i see a guy with dark hair in a straight jacket.
"that's Derrick he killed someone so that's why he's in the mental wing" Michael tells us.
Derrick looks up and starts laughing.
"i'll be seeing you soon" he yells at me.
he kisses the air and i quickly walk away.

i look around but i cant find Arthur.
i walk up some stairs and i see a empty wing.
i feel something cold and i turn around.
"Arthur?" i call out.
a door slams behind me and i walk to it.

when i open it i scream.
i see a transparent figure standing next to Arthur.
Arthur laid on the ground passed out.
i run to Arthur and i shake him.
"ARTHUR" i yell.

i pat his cheek and he doesn't wake.
i listen for a heart beat and i hear one.

i put my ear to his mouth and i feel no breathing.
"Anna?" a voice calls.
i look up and i see Arthur.
wait what?
i look down and i see nothing.
"but, you were right here..?" i murmur in confusion.

i stand up and i walk to him.
"are you the real Arthur?" i ask him.
"is there any other Arthur's you know?" he asks back.
"tell me something only you and me know" i tell him.
"we were undercover as a couple?" he asks.
"Anyone could know that!" i respond.

"Okay i was going to be a gentleman but... you wore a red lace bra with red lace underwear" He says.

"so you are Arthur, HEY! i thought you didn't look!" i reply.
"its kind of hard not to look at your body! and all guys are perverts even if we act sweet and innocent" he responds.
i walk past him and i smack him upside the head.
he walks with me as we walk down the hall.

"so... what type of under garmets are you wearing now?" he asks.
i look down my shirt to check.
"black" i tell him.
"regular or lace?" he asks.
"this isn't twenty questions!" i say with annoyance.
"so its lace" he replies.

"i'm gonna get Kim to punch you when we get home" i mutter.
he chuckles.
"so how's it going?" Kim asks when i call her.
"besides talking about lace under garmets its going okay" i answer.
"um, why were you talking about that?" she says.
"cause i thought i saw Arthur dead on the floor and i wanted to make sure it was him so i asked him something only him and me knew" i reply.
"so he slept with you?" she responds.

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