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      i walk down the hall to mine and Arthur's office and i see him playing with paper clips.
i studied the file about three deaths in Virginia.
"where are we going?" Arthur asks me.
"Virginia, something tore apart three people" i answer.
me and Arthur walk to the sheriff's office.
the sheriff walked out and greeted us.
"Mrs. Gleeson i really don't think you can make a difference" the sheriff tells us.
"why not?" Arthur asks.

"its just a rabid dog attacking in the forests nothing to bad we can handle it" the sheriff tells us.
"oh okay, lets go" Arthur says as he begins to walk away.
"Arthur we cant just leave them!  what if this isn't a rabid dog, it could be a coyote or werewolf" i tell him.
"well i don't want to be bit so lets go" he grabs my arm and makes me walk with him.
"No! i'm not leaving! you can leave but i wont" i say as i pull away from him.
"we're partners we're suppose to stick together" he replies to me.

"and your the one leaving i wont leave" i respond as i walk away.
he groans in anger and walks with me back to the station.
"this is stupid" he mutters.
"whats stupid is you not wanting to help save lives" i reply.
Arthur leaves to look for evidence and i go to talk with the sheriff.

"how did it happen?" i ask him.
"the first victim was with her friends and she left to go to the restroom then she got mauled by what her friends describe as a big savage dog" he explains to me.
"what about the other victims?" i ask.
"same thing same area its as if the dog kills them for sport like he just wants to kill for fun" the sheriff answers.
"thank you for your time, call me if you find anything" i respond.

i turn and i walk away.
"hear anything about rabid dogs?" i ask Kim while she called me.
"Maybe why?" she asks.
"cause we're on a case about a rabid dog that i think is a werewolf" i respond.
"that sounds odd" she replies.
"anyways how's you and Jack?" i ask.
"oh you know,.... he's nice and all" she says quickly.
"Kim do you like him?!" i ask.
"maybe.... okay yes," she answers.

"and how's it going? have you told him?" i ask.
"yea, i told him he didn't believe me at first then he realized i was telling him the truth so he kissed me and then you called" she explains the entire story to me.
"so what i'm hearing is..... i should leave so you guys can make out?" i ask.
"what, no you don't have to" she says quickly.
"bye have fun swapping saliva" i reply as i hang up.

my phone rings again and i answer it.
"yea?" i answer.
"its the sheriff we got the wolf thing on the move, its huge!" he yells in to the phone then he hangs up.

me and Arthur walk down the street but before we could go any further something lunges at us and Arthur pushes me down and something bites him.

he yells in pain and the thing drags him off.
"ARTHUR" i scream as i get back to my feet and i run after him.
"Where are you?!" i yell.
"ANNA" he yells a long ways off.

i sprint in that direction but it brings me to the forest.
i see Arthur clutching his stomach and i see blood all over his shirt.
"Anna, run" he mutters.
"Why?" i ask.
"Cause i'm changing" he groans and i see him grow more taller and animal like.
Like a werewolf.

i run away and i jump over logs and i crawl under branches.
i hear him run after me.
i lunge in to a hollow log just as he tries to attack me.
his claws smash the log till it broke in to  two pieces.
i crawl out and i see he's still looking through the other piece.

i run out of the forest and i run right in to the sheriff.
before i can say anything the sheriff makes a girly scream then something impales me in my stomach.
I gasp in pain and i look down at the clawed hand in my stomach.


i wake up in the woods and i notice the only clothing i had on was my ripped pants.
i stand up shakily and i see the blood all over my hands.
I walk out of the forest since i could hear sirens and i see five police cars with a coroner truck there.
i see a car drive up and Kim and Jack gets out.
"where is she?" Kim yells.
i slowly look down at the blood then back at Kim.

where was Anna?

i stumble up and Kim see's me.
i look around with wild eyes then i see her.
she laid on the ground while the police officers talked about what happened.
"NOOOO" i yell in anguish.
i stumble over and i pick up he dead Anna in my arms.
her cold eyes stared in to nothing.

her cold eyes stared in to nothing

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