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    i walk down the street to the cafe.
i was meeting up with one of my best friends from child hood.
i already see her sitting inside while drinking coffee.
i walk in and i order a hot chocolate and i sit down directly across from her.
"Hey Kim" i say with a smile.
she looks up from her book and smiles at me.
"for a second i thought you weren't coming" she says as she stops typing her book.
yea yea she's a author.
a famous one too.

"sorry work has been crazy. new partner and all" i say while sipping my hot chocolate.
"i miss you, i cant believe we arn't working as partners anymore. me and you was awesome together" she says while sighing.
she was part time author and she loved FBI she was my best friend.
"you were the one to kick butt while i cracked it" i joke.
"you could never shoot anyone that's for sure, but that's why we made a great team. i never could figure it out." she says.
"hey you were amazing with the way you would rush in and just save the damsel in distress or guy in distress? is that how you say it?" we crack jokes a lot.

"now i heard you were working paranormal and everything. how did that go?" she asks.
"its very confusing. my partner drags me everywhere and has a theory for everything. he gave me a lecture on sleeping on the right side of the bed and to keep a knife with you or a gun at all times" i tell her.
"he seems like a dark fellow" she says as she winks at me.
"he seems like it but he's very quiet" i reply.
"is your dark partner wear a black leather duster with long dark hair?" she asks.

"Yes.. how do you know this?" i ask her.
"he's standing  behind you" she mouths.
i look up and i see him raising his eyebrow at me while he stood with crossed arms.
"don't look at me like that" i tell him.
"come sit with us, i'm Kim" my best friend says with a sweet smile.

he walks over and sits down.
"give me a reason why your here. i'm pretty sure i was on vacation" i tell him.
"i came in for coffee, rude" he says as he shows me his coffee.
"i like him, he seems nice." Kim says finally as if she was studying him for a physics test.
"well i better go, have fun talking" i tell them both.
i get up and i walk out.

I bump in to a teenage girl.
she had pink streaks running through her hair.
"sorry" i mutter.
"he said he would love me, forever, now where is he?" she sobs.
"okay..."i mutter as i walk away.
the next day i walk to the building that i worked at and i see Kim argueing with some man.
"i said leave me alone" Kim says angrily at him.
the man cusses at he then stomps off.
"who was that?" i ask her.
"Blake, trying to make my life a living hell" she says while walk with me inside.

i walk to the elevator and me and Kim say good bye and we walk away from each other.
i walk to mine and Arthur's office.
i see him sitting in his chair as he threw pencils at the ceiling.
most of them stuck some fell and hit him.
"you need to get out more" i tell him.
"i just was! i got coffee" he says smugly.
i look at some case files that were stacked up for us to do.

i start sorting them.
"go on vacation like i did" i tell him as i continue looking at the cases.
a few struck me as odd like flying shoes or sightings off big foot.
"like a date?" Arthur asks.
"sure you need to get out." i say dully as i read the description of one.
i see the name Diggory and i look through it.
"Um, go have vacation. i can handle this" i tell him as i shoo him out.

"give me a call if you need help" he says as i push him out the door.
"out" i tell him and i slam the door behind him.
i walk over to his desk and i sit down where he was.
i stare at the case file.
i finally see a phone number and i call it.
"Mrs. Diggory?" i ask.
"yes, who is this?" she asks.
"i'm with the FBI i'm Anna you reported both your sons missing and a daughter all in one week?" i ask her.

"yes, they all just disappered" she explains.
"can you tell me what they did a few days before?" i ask her.
"they all went to the arcade with their friend Hailey she was the only one who seemed to be on edge, she pleaded to them not to go but they still went and brought her along, that's when they started acting strange" she responds.
"excuse me did you say strange?" i ask her.
"yes, they wouldn't talk they wouldn't eat then they dissapered in the morning" she tells me.
"whats the arcades name?" i ask her.
"Mr. pac man's games? she says as i write down the name.
"thank you. i'll call you if i find out anything" i tell her.
i hang up then i call Kim.

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