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i barely make it to the front door when the director calls me to her office.
i walk to her office and i see her sitting behind her desk.
"How are you?" she asks.
"I'm good, why am i here?" i ask her.
"are you doing your job?" she asks me.
"yes, well i'm trying" i answer her.
"you are not there to make friends you are there to make sure he does his job and doesn't tell fairy tales. i even heard you believed in a talking doll?" she asks me.
"i really don't know what to believe" i tell her.

"he has the case file. you guys go through them easily" she says while studying her desk.
"right, i better go" i mutter as i walk away from her.
i walk to the elevator and before i can get in it Arthur walks out.
he looks up at me.
"ready?" he asks.
"for what?" i ask as i follow him down the hall.
"for the hike." he tells me.

we had to catch a air plane then drove to the sheriff's station.
"okay tell me why we're in the smoky mountains?" i ask him.
"six missing. their dead Anna, a wendigo killed them you do know what that means right?" he asks me.
"of course i know what that means. its a folks tale though. my grandmother told me about them all the time to get me to stay in bed at night" i tell him with a eye roll.
a wendigo is a creature that isn't living nor dead.

the only way to be turned in to one is to eat someone.

its a curse.
they're suppose to give off a bad odor.
they are always hungry. and they come out usually during the cold weather. which is today.
"you didn't stay in bed at night time?" Arthur asks with a smirk on his face.
i shove him with annoyance and we continue our way to the sheriff''s station.

"can you tell me about it?" he asks me.
"its a curse for being reduced to canniblelism they become stronger and they only see movements. its just a folks tale though." i say with a shrug.
"i was actually talking about sleeping but why do you know so much about this?" Arthur asks.
"my grandma and grandfather loved to scare me at night time. they used to tell me stories of the pale creatures that are always hungry and will kill anything for meat" i tell him.
"vampires?" he asks.
"the wendigo. i don't want to be here anyways. it was probably a bear" i say while walking up the pathway.
Arthur walks in front of me so he could look at me.
"your scared of them arn't you? you know they're real. how?" Arthur asks.
"Because i lived here. in the smoky mountains i lived here with my grandparents. i had two other siblings and a friend. only i survived" i respond.

"you mean..?" he asks softly.
"yes. the wendigo killed them all. right in front of me. i remember their screams as they're blood was spilled and was all over me. i remember hearing the wendigo rip my brother out the door even when it was closed" i hiss angrily at him.
"is that you Anna?" a voice says.
Me and Arthur look over and we see the sheriff.
my mother's friend.
"hey.." i say sheepishly.

"you told us you were never coming back. who is this? your boyfriend?" Hannah asks as she looks at Arthur.
"WHAT?! no! we work together we came here because you called us here" i say as i elbow a laughing Arthur.
"your a FBI agent?" she asks with a smile.
"Yes, now lets get going" i say quickly.

"your parents will be so happy to see you again" she says with giddy.
"NO, i mean why bother them?" i reply quickly.
"Mrs. can you tell us when they started going missing?" Arthur asks Hannah.
"two weeks ago. i'm afraid you cant do anything. the deputy called you up here because he was worried. no one can stop these attacks" Hannah says sadly.

"your right we cant. well nice seeing you again" i say as i quickly turn around to walk away.
"we flew all this way and you didn't say anything about hating the mountains" Arthur says as he grabs my arm and pulls me back so we can talk to Hannah.
"we need some supplies if we're going to hunt this creature" Arthur tells Hannah.
"What? Arthur you cant kill this. it cant be killed!" i say with desperation.

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