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      i walk to mine and Arthur's office.
i open the door and i'm greeted with emptiness.
i walk inside and i look around for Arthur.
the fourth day in a row that he went AWOL.
he just disapeared.

didn't even say good bye.
someone knocks on the door and i turn around.
a man stood there.
he wore a grey suit and he held up his FBI badge to show me.
"i'm Terry, its nice to meet you, i'm your new partner until your other shows up" he says.

"i'm Anna," i murmur.
"so uh i have a case file we could do" he says as he holds up the file.
"i'll be right back" i mutter.
i run from the office and i race down the stairs and i go to Kim's office.

i knock on the door and i lady opens it.
"is Kim here?" i ask while holding back tears.

"um no she's investigating a case in Ohio, i'm Michelle" she says while smiling.
"thank you, um tell her i stopped bye"  i  reply.

i walk away from the building and to Jack's club.
i sit down at the bar and i order a Pepsi.
a tear rolls down my cheek.

someone wipes it off and i look up at Jack.
"you know he wouldn't leave you, he would tell you where he was going or he would drag you along" Jack reassures.

"i know he would take me! but why hasn't he? how do i know he's not laying in a alley way dead?" i ask while sobbing.

"you've known him what? six months, you know he wouldn't just die" Jack says.
"they left it up to me to tell his family that he's gone, " i reply.

"why am i even handling this? this is Kim's job" he mutters as he walks away.
the flight to Nevada was tiring but i finally reach his parent's house.
they lived no where near a town.
i walk up the steps and i ring the door bell.
a young girl opens the door and grins.
"mommy a lady's here!" she yells.

a stern looking lady walks in to view and she looks just like Arthur.

"Anna correct?" she asks.
"um, yes how did you know?" i reply.
"he talked about you last time he visited," she says.
"come on in" she adds.
she brings me to the living room and sits me down.
"has he talked to you lately?" i ask.
"not for a week at least, why is he in trouble?" she responds with worry.
"he's missing,"i tell her.

"i'm sure he'll show up soon" she replies.
"i should get going, it takes awhile to get back to D.C" i tell her.
"nonsense you can stay the night and leave in the morning" she says.
"i don't feel really comfortable doing this.." i try telling her but she wouldn't take no for a answer.
"you can sleep in his room, we leave it here for him for when he comes back" his mom says as she opens a door.
i see a king sized bed with grey blankets and pillows.
he had a desk that was cluttered in different books and notebooks a window and a closet.
"I'm sure he wouldn't want me sleeping in his room" i say quickly.
"he wont mind, now you can use one of his shirts to sleep in," she replies as she closes the door and leaves me in his room.

my phone goes off and i answer it even though it said no caller ID.
"hello?" i answer.
no one says anything.
i hang up and i sit down on his bed.
it was very comfortable.

at night time i look in his closet and i see a bunch of bands on shirts or plain dark shirts.
i take a black shirt and i wear it.
i lay down in his bed and it felt wrong.
i fall asleep and the next morning i catch a flight back home to D.C

my phone goes off again and i answer it.
"hello?" i ask.
"Anna i need, i need you to help me" I hear Arthur's voice on the other line,
"where are you?!" i ask.
"i.. i don't know, i just... i'm in a motel in Kentucky" he says.
"i'm coming just stay there" i tell him.

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