After our date and fight i decided to look up some sign langauge . I asked my mom if i could use her Macbook she said "no sweetie i have to do work on it sorry" i said "it will only take 5 seconds i will print it out" my mom said "okay sweetie". I look up the alphabet on Google and i print a picture of it . I said "mom i am done" she smiled and said "that was quick" i went up to my room and stuided the ASL alphbet 20 mintues into studying . My phone buzzed I opened the text it said "i want to tell you that i really like you and today i was afraid i was going to loose u when i barely knew you i have 20 days to get to know you and i want to :).<3. . i texted back "thank you and same for you haden you seem like a really nice guy" .I put my phone back in my pocket . i studied the alphbet and then i learned 2 more signs i was learning reallly fast surpsingly i don't catch on to anything that easy maybe it was because i wanted to learn it for a special person. After 3 hours of studying i know the alphbet plus 20 signs i was learning fast and it seemed easy .