Chapter Eight

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"Beginning today, treat everyone you meet, friend or foe, loved one or stranger, as if they were going to be dead at midnight. Extend to each person, no matter how trivial the contact, all the care and kindness and understanding and love that you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again."

~Og Mandino

Chapter Eight

Alistair walked into the Sanctuary to return the Clandestine Chronicles. She put the book back on the shelf and turned to see Kellan reading in one of the chairs. She didn't want to talk to him. He'd been so rude this morning. The first emotion she'd ever seen him show was anger. She frowned as he looked up at her.

"Are you mad at me?" Kellan asked.

"Pretty much." Alistair replied.

Kellan nodded and returned to his book as if he'd never spoken.

Alistair rolled her eyes and left to find Salem. He was sitting in the lobby, a frown on his face. "Hey Salem."

He sat up and smiled at Alistair. "Hey are you alright? You still upset?"

"At Kellan, yes." Ali answered. "I can't believe how angry he got."

"At least he was worried about you." Salem shrugged.

"But he didn't have to be so rude to Zayne. It wasn't that big a deal." Alistair argued.

"You have to think like Kellan. He and Zayne really don't get along and you go missing for quite a while. He finds out that you were with Zayne overnight. Considering Kellan doesn't like Zayne, he assumes the worst and gets angry. It all makes sense like that, right?" Salem explained.

Alistair sighed and nodded. It made perfect sense when out that way. Some psychiatrist she was. She closed her eyes for a second, then looked at Salem again.

"So you can see how Kellan probably doesn't think he did anything wrong." Salem concluded.

"Maybe, but that doesn't make it okay." Alistair frowned, unable to get past the menacing growls and the low, intimidating whisper.

"I never said it was okay." Salem shook his head. "You should probably try to talk to him later."

"I'll try." Alistair walked upstairs, not so sure how hard she would try to communicate with him.


Classes ended early today and Alistair walked out with Kellan, but they hadn't spoken since this morning. Alistair sighed and leaned on his arm, making him turn to look at her. "I'm sorry. I should've told someone something before I left last night and maybe I wouldn't have gotten lost." Alistair admitted. If she placed most of the blame on herself, he would probably forgive her.

Kellan looked at the ground, feeling he needed to add his apology as well. "And I'm sorry for getting angry. I didn't mean to."

Alistair smiled, glad it had worked. She dared to take it a little bit further. "I guess it's alright, but you really should apologize to Zayne."

"Ha! Over my dead body." Kellan exclaimed, refusing immediately with no hesitation at all.

Alistair frowned, "I know you don't like him but-"

"I'm not apologizing to him." Kellan interrupted her with his sharp voice.

Alistair sighed and they walked into the lobby. Salem was standing there, waiting for them. "Hey, is everything all right?" He examined both their faces for hints.

Alistair answered, "Mostly." She gave Kellan a look.

"She wants me to apologize to Zayne and I refused." Kellan told Salem.

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