Chapter Five

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"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies."

~Mother Teresa

Chapter Five

Mr. Greene walked into his classroom and looked at his students. His eyes fell on a new face. "I see we have a new student." He announced, genuinely surprised. "Do you care to introduce yourself?"

Alistair looked at him. "Um, I'm Alistair Adams."

Kellan stood up and shook his head. "Actually, she's Alistair Powers."

"Powers?" Mr. Greene looked at his attendance sheet and saw her name there: Alistair Powers. He looked at Kellan. "As in Damien and Raven Powers?"

Kellan nodded, "This is the last basic immortal. Winston didn't tell you?"

"I knew she was the last but I didn't know she was their daughter. I always thought..."

"We all did." Kellan replied before sitting back down in his seat.

"Well, welcome Alistair." Mr. Greene nodded and began his lecture. "You must be very special for Winston to place you in my class as a beginning."

"Oh trust me," Kellan spoke up. "She is."

"Before we begin to spar, I want to go over the rules for the sake of our new student." Mr. Greene picked up a piece of chalk after he'd told the class what they could and could not do. "I'm going to pair you up randomly."

He wrote everyone's name on the board and the names with a line connecting them were the ones who would spar. Alistair found her name connected to Jacob West. Her eyes wandered over to Kellan's name to find he was paired with someone named Andrew Greene.

"Okay, let's go outside." Mr. Greene walked to the door.

"Wait," Kellan called. "Are you sure Alistair should pair up with Jacob? She doesn't know much about sword fighting."

"If Winston put her in my class as a new student, she can probably handle him. Don't you have faith in her?" Mr. Greene asked him.

Kellan nodded, "Okay."


Alistair and Jacob were the last to spar. Kellan handed her his sword and Andrew gave his to Jacob.

Everyone was wearing a thin vest underneath their clothes that would protect them from being cut on their torso. Their arms, head, and lower body were all vulnerable, but it was against the rules to hit above the neck or below the waist.

Jacob lifted his sword as Alistair let hers hang at her side. "You sure you want to leave your guard down?"

"Let me worry about myself. It's not like you'll touch me." Alistair smirked.

Kellan looked at her eyes. As he'd already guessed, her eyes had a golden ring around them. He smirked, "Good luck, Jacob." He whispered.

"Suit yourself," Jacob shrugged.

Mr. Greene called for them to go. Jacob quickly swiped his sword at her and she leaned back, easily dodging him. She lifted her sword and thrusted it against Jacob's, trying unsuccessfully to knock it out of his hands. He pulled his sword down and tried to hit her chest but she deflected his blade with her own and pushed him back. They both tried to hit each other at the same time and their swords clanked together repeatedly, with neither opponent advancing in the battle. Finally, Alistair pulled her sword back and maneuvered his sword out of his grip and touched his chest.

Alistair had won. Against Jacob West, one of the best sword fighters at the Academy.

Mr. Greene clapped as Alistair dropped her sword into the ground. It split through the earth and stood straight up. Ali walked over to Kellan and smiled. "Was I good?"

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