Chapter Eleven

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"To love for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is angelic."

~ Alphonse de Lamartine

Chapter Eleven

Alistair woke up with Zayne's arms wrapped around her. She slipped out of his grip easily this time and walked over to the window. The sky was a dark gray and there was still water dripping from the tops of trees.

"I guess we fell asleep before it stopped raining." Zayne's deep voice made Alistair turn to look at him.

"Yeah," Alistair nodded. "It rained all night."

"Did you sleep okay?" He ran his fingers through his hair and smiled at her.

"Yeah, it was hard not to." She winked at him and they both laughed. "I don't want to go to class today."

"I don't know why, but I just found out that we're merging for the entire week. I think something might be wrong." Zayne's smile faded for a moment, but then it returned. "But we get to work together all week so it's cool."

"Yeah," Alistair looked back out the window at the dull gray sky.


"Have you seen Alistair?" Salem sat next to Kellan in the Cafe.

"No, but she called yesterday. She went to the Institute with Zayne." Kellan stirred his coffee a bit aggressively.

"And that upsets you." Salem observed.

"I don't care." Kellan rolled his eyes and took a small sip of the coffee.

"But you do." Salem replied. "I'm sure she'll get here soon. Hey, do you have any idea why we're merging all week?"

"No, Winston didn't tell me anything. Did he tell you?" Kellan asked.

"Nope," Salem shook his head. "You think it's something bad?"

"It's possible." Kellan shrugged. He was prepared to handle any situation they could possibly be in. He drank some more of his coffee and stood up. He and Salem walked into the lobby. He looked out the doors, but didn't see Alistair and Zayne coming.


Alistair stepped out of the closet, pushing up the sleeves of the large shirt she was wearing. She had to wear Zayne's clothes because her own felt stale from the water that had dried into them. She wore one of Zayne's collared shirts. It was blue and white with thin vertical stripes. She wore a pair of his jeans that were tightened around her waist with her own belt.

"You look good in my clothes." Zayne smirked at her.

"Shut up," she rolled her eyes and smiled. "They're huge on me." She picked up her dress and walked to the door. "Let's go."

"The Grand Ball is on Saturday. Maybe that's why they're merging all week." Alistair told Zayne as they walked towards the Academy. The building was in plain sight now.

"But that's not what they usually do for that." Zayne shook his head.

Alistair shrugged. "I don't know then." She leaned her head on his shoulder as they walked to the Academy.

They walked into the lobby and Kellan was standing there waiting for them. "What are you wearing?" He looked at Alistair.

"These are Zayne's clothes." Alistair rolled her eyes. "I need to change." She pulled Zayne up the stairs and into her room. "I actually have an en suite." She grinned and pulled an outfit out of her closet. She stepped into the bathroom and quickly changed into her own clothes. She gave Zayne back his jeans and shirt and threw her dress in her hamper. "Thank you so much." She smiled at him.

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