Chapter Eighteen

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"I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next."

~Gilda Radner

Chapter Eighteen

Alistair was already awake before the sun had barely even rose up into the sky. She was anxious and ready to jump into battle. She pulled out her bow and looked at it. It was still as beautiful as when she had received it. She took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. This was the seventh day that they had been in war. Today they would fight as an army instead of teams. She looked back down at the bow.

She examined the silver weapon. It had a beautiful design. The tip was silver and sleek and it was smooth until just before the handle where the silver had been carved into metal leaves that pointed downward at the handle, which was set inward a bit and had a wooden case around it. Right below the handle were more metal leaves, except these pointed up, to continue the pattern above. Then the bow was sleek and smooth all the way down. She held it as if she were about to draw an arrow and shoot. One hand on the handle, the other on the string.

"What are you doing?" Zayne asked.

She turned to face him. "Oh, um, I was just wasting time."

"You don't ever get any sleep do you?" Zayne shook his head and walked closer to her.

"You're almost always up every time I am." Alistair retorted.

Zayne shrugged. "It's different for me."

Alistair looked up at the sky. The sun was still very low. "Whatever, what are you doing anyway?"

"I don't know. I don't want to shift again. I usually don't do it so much." He scratched the back of his head and smiled. "Can you check what time it is?"

Alistair smiled and blushed. "I forgot how to work the watch." She replied sheepishly.

Zayne smiled. "That's all right." He took her left hand and pointed to a small button on the wrist of her suit. "That's the watch." He pushed the button and the time rose into the air like a projection. It was 4:26 AM.

"Why didn't you use yours?" Alistair pushed the button again and the projection vanished.

"I didn't feel like it." He smirked.

"Lazy," Alistair muttered and examined the wrist of her suit. There were a few more buttons in addition to the clock. "What do the other ones do?"

Zayne quickly identified the buttons and what they did.

"Thanks," she smiled.

"No problem." He shook his head. "I can't believe you went this long not knowing what time it was."

"Shut up," Alistair blushed.


Alistair rose up into the air on her board. Landon had gotten an extra one that he could have to himself. She stayed close to him just to make sure nothing happened. In a few minutes they would be in battle.

Alistair flew next to Salem. Landon was on her other side. "Do you think you could lead us to their headquarters, Landon?" Alistair turned to see him.

"Yeah," Landon answered. "It's pretty easy to get there, especially from here."

"That's great, because once we get past this first battle, we're going to need you to take us to their HQ. Is that all right?" Alistair asked him.

He nodded. "Yeah, that's fine."

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