I'm Back (hopefully)

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Okay. So. I've been gone for a ridiculous amount of time, (I know, and I'm so sorry!) so here's a quick summary of what happened. I was sick last Sunday and Monday, and I (sadly) still haven't recovered completely. Tuesday I was sort of out of is because I was taking a lot of meds to keep me going, and basically that's how it was for the rest of the week. I had an audition (that went terribly) for me being in an orchestra next year. Now, as I'm writing this, I'm waiting for my concert thing to start. So I'm crazy sorry I've been out, and I'll probably still be shifting in and out of my regular stuffs. I am currently still writing the next chapter of City of Stars, and I am planning to have a weekly release after I get my life sorted out again. I will be catching up on requests and stuff, so I'll be sticking around at least today.

Thanks for reading!!


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