Chapter 1

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"You didn't think this was that end of the story? Did you?"

One Year Later

    Me and my friends hover over the cauldron pouring apples in as I start reading the spell. "Wicked Ways beneath the skin let all who taste in now join in" I then give off a little laugh it was good to be evil.

We all started singing as the spell works it's way into the apples.

"We got all the ways to be W-I-C-K-E-D"

" We got all the ways to be W-I-C-K-E-D Come on! Hey, hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey, hey"

    We then bring this party of ours to Auradon and crash the whole place me and Carlos head to the lockers. He pours a bucket of apples all around the floor as I close the lockers that I've recently wrote "LONG LIVE EVIL" on.

I sing as I give Jane who is now a cheerleader for the Auradon Knights an apple.

" Crashing the party Guess they lost my invitation Friendly reminder Got my own kind of persuasion"

     She takes the can of spray paint from my hands and I look to side and see Carlos slide the bucket under people.

"Looks like this place could us A bit of misbehavior Happily ever after With a little flavor"

     He runs to me slams his hand on the locker and pulls me away and minutes later we're all outside singing and dancing.

"We got all the ways to be W-I-C-K-E-D We got all the ways to be W-I-C-K-E-D We got all the ways to be W-I-C-K-E-D We got all the ways to be So many ways to be wicked"

I give the apple I'm holding a little kiss as I throw it but Ben catches it and by the look of his face he wasn't going to be happy.

"Mal what is this?" he asks giving me back my apple I roll my eyes and laugh a little. I look around what did he think this was it was just a little fun.

       I start to walk away but then he speaks in a voice I can't resist "Come on Mal you're better than this" I look at my friends and look at Ben and I take out my spell book to reverse the fun and give a sigh.

I take his hand and walk with him and look to see people going back to their usual activities. So much fun just wasted he then takes me to his office

     Now that he's king he gets a room just for work as king and he make decisions there and he has me take a sit.

"Has your hair always been purple?" he said taking a look at my now long purple locks and I give him a smile.

"Well yeah I was born on the Isle of the Lost I couldn't have perfect Auradon hair" I said playing with my hair as I say that.

     He then starts going off about how now that I live in Auradon I should dress more like I live in Auradon. He then told me that he could provide me with new clothes and schedule a hair appointment.

    As I leave his office I'm confused he didn't even give me a choice but I didn't wanna let him down. I head to my room and see Carlos on my way but something is different about him his hair is different.

"What did you do with your hair?" I said feeling his new hair I liked it. He then blushes a bit "I thought it was time for change". He walks away just like that and I let him and walk inside my room and even Evie is changing her hair she has her usual braids are gone and her hair is a little shorter and darker.

     I wake up the next morning open my dorm room door and see a box of clothes outside my door and pick it up. When I take a look of the clothes inside I gag a bit did my boyfriend expect me to wear these he had to be kidding.

     I decide to try on one of the dresses it's a pink and baby blue dress and when Evie returns back to the room she gasps at the sigh of me in a dress. I've only worn a dress a couple of times but I never enjoyed the feeling.

"You look so-" I cut her off "Don't say it" and she laughs and starts to take pictures and I throw a pillow at her and she falls on her butt. Then I heard a knock on my door and open and find a guy with gelled back hair and glasses and a box before me.

     Must've been the guy Ben told to do my hair because before I had a chance to ask he already had me in a chair. Putting a bunch of weird stuff on my hair worrying me I didn't trust anyone but myself to do my hair. I was the one who cut it a few years back my mother just too cheap to send me to the barber on the Isle.

"So you're King Ben's girl is that right" I tell him yes and he starts going off about the girls at Auradon. He was telling me juicy details like that Audrey moved back home with her parents and won't be attending Auradon Prep this year.

     Hours later he tells me I could look and I pick up the mirror and almost scream my hair wasn't purple anymore. I then ask for purple highlights at the end and after receiving them I guess I didn't look too bad.

     So when I visited Ben later and showed him my new look he gave me a hug and told me he loved it. But that's the part I was afraid of him loving this version of me better than the original.

     I then decided to take a walk and I ran into Carlos and he face went blank and he finally spoke after a while "Who are you and what have you done with Mal" I then laugh and spin. He tells me that it made me look beautiful and brings out my eyes.

     Carlos always knew how to make me feel important and the way I wanted to be treated. I can't help it he has that effect on everyone even Jay. Carlos is my best friend and will always be my best friend nothing more.

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