The Royal Cotillion

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Mal's POV

     Evie has my hair sprayed and braided, and I'm in my dress and wearing long blue gloves. My dress is yellow and has blue patterns all over it. My shoes are blue, and I'm all dolled up like a "Princess" Evie says.

Evie's POV

     I style my hair in a bun and put on my dress.

"Princess," I say to Mal.

"Don't I look like a princess?"

"You always do E."

"Excited for the Cotillion"

"Ben never told me what it was exactly."

"You don't know The Royal Cotillion is like getting engaged to be engaged to be engaged."

"Wait what."

"I'm getting married."

"You will eventually."

"This is all too much."

"Too late to back out we only have an hour."

We both hear a knock on the door it's Lonnie and Jane.

"You guys look amazing" Lonnie exclaims as she's wearing a pink dress with Chinese symbols.

Jane is wearing a baby blue dress with a pink bow in the middle.

"This is going to be awesome today," I say and spin.

"We have to head down there early to set up," Jane says as they both leave.

     I look at Mal and see that she's living the life I wished to live. And to make matters worse, she got the boy. When I first saw Ben, I had a crush on him. But he ended up falling for her instead, and I got Doug.

     She's got the hair I would love to try a princess hair color like brown or black.

I wouldn't mind the meetings, the dress fitting, the work, the responsibilities,

She's living my fairytale, and she doesn't like any second of it.

That's one of the reasons I told not to go to the Isle. Mal was selfish leaving just because of him.

"Hey, Evie have you known Carlos has changed."

"Yea he was so okay with the idea of you getting engaged to Ben."

"Maybe he and I were just best friends who thought they owe it to themselves to see if they could be more than friends."

"M I could tell you cared about him you should tell Ben the truth."

"The thing is I almost told him the truth earlier today."

"You did"


"I want him to be happy he deserves its"

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