Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

Ben's POV

Everything I wanted was all in front of me. Mal looking beautiful as ever and we were on a picnic.

"Oh my gosh you brought Strawberries my favorite!"

It took me back to our first date when she couldn't stop eating Strawberries.

"Wanna go for a swim?" I asked her while unbuttoning my shirt.

"I don't want my hair to get wet" she complained.

"Please Pretty Please"

"With sugar on top" Mal said.



Everytime I have to beg her I have to promise her a sweet treat from the Royal fridge. It's called With Sugar on top.

It's Strawberry Cake with powered sugar on the top.

Mal begins to take off her dress only having her tank top and shorts on.

I took her hand and we jumped in together. I taught her how to swim last year.

As we walked back to the dorms it began to rain.

First it was sprinkling and then it started pouring.

"Here take my jacket" I said offering it to her.


"What?" I said

She kissed me. She kissed me. I wanted to kiss her forever. But she kissed me.

I kissed her back and then we pulled apart.

"Promise me this forever" she said as we were glazing into each other's eyes.

"I promise"

Then we kissed again and it was epic I didn't wanna let go.

Mal's POV

I went to bed with a good feeling inside me. I actually finally had the courage and confidence to kiss my boyfriend.

It was even more romantic that it was in the rain. The next day everything was different.

I woke up perfectly my hair didn't need to be touched. I changed in a second and everything was perfect.

I went to have breakfast with Ben and we had a normal not awkward conversation.

I aced all my tests I did a little shopping with Evie. Everything was coming up perfect.

Everything was coming up Mal

Carlos and I still weren't talking but it didn't matter. He tried to tell me that me changing was a bad thing.

I'm starting to think it was for the better.

Jay's POV

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