Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

Carlos POV

I know it's late but this girl wouldn't stop texting me considering her mom is head mistress you'd think she wouldn't still be allowed on her phone.

Even Jay is sound asleep but me and Jane are texting back to back. I check my alarm clock it's about 3 in the morning.

She told me about how she got an B on the ICT test and I bragged about my 100. What can I say I'm a computer brainiac.

     We both fell asleep by 5 and had to be up and ready by 9. I woke up at 8:45 and my phone was dead. Jay was already gone for breakfast.

     I quickly got dressed in a white and red t shirt and a black jacket wearing black pants. I accidentally wore two different shoes but I was running late.

I was running so fast I didn't even see Mal walking I fell on her.

"CARLOS!" She yelled brushing herself off. I gave her my hand and helped her up.

"What's with the shoes doofus" she said pointing to my red boot and black boot.

I was gonna explain but I saw Jane with a few of her friends. I said a quick goodbye to Mal and ran over to Jane.

We walked into breakfast together and sat together.

Mal's POV

     I was thinking about me and Ben's relationship. And then it brought me back to my first boyfriend. Harry the son of Captain Hook we used to sneak out together.

I then had a flashback to when we first met.

I was in the market and saw something peculiar. It was a hook. I took it and put it in my bag but then a hand grabbed mine.

"That's stealing" he said with a strong scottish accent.

"This is The Isle of the lost stealing isn't a bad thing" I said with my arms crossed.

He stepped into the light of day and I saw his face. The whole world paused he has the most gorgeous eyes.

But back to reality I gave him it back. He jumped over the table and started to walk with me.

     I didn't know what he was doing but it was working. I felt a song within me and so did he.

Like a tiger in a cage
He played with my hair
Feelings trapped inside your brain
Wanna say what you wanna say
But it's all locked inside

Gotta get things off your chest
I pushed him back
Living life with no regrets
Just a little bit of confidence

Will let you speak your mind
He tried to kiss me
It's better to be honest
Than to hide yourself in silence
We walked on the docks
Just come on and tell it like it is
Just come out and say it
Take a chance and the words fall out
Open up 'til they hear you now
Just come on and tell it like it is

Just come on and tell it like it is
Just come out and say it
Take a chance and the words fall out
Open up 'til they hear you now
Just come on and tell it like it is
He threw a sword at me an I caught it
Just come out and say it
Take a chance and the words fall out
Open up 'til they hear you now
Just come on and tell it like it is
Just come out and say it
Just come on and tell it like it is
We then had a sword fight

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