Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

Mal's POV

      I was walking back to my room and I got a text from Evie. She was wondering where I was I told her I was getting fresh air.

Early morning the next day I was getting ready. When I opened my closet I saw my old leather jacket.

Brought back memories of being the real me.

"Thanks" a voice said surprising me but it was only Carlos.

"Carlos what are you doing here I'm still in my night gown".

"I wanted to thank you for helping me with my date"

"No problem" I say rubbing my fingers through his hair. Out of the four of us he was the only one still being themselves.

"Hey I wanted to talk about what you said yesterday"

"What about it?" I said playing with my hair.

His phone rang and it was Jane so he left without a word he was so confusing.

Carlos's POV

     Jay keep making kissing faces to me after I hanged up the phone with Jane. I pushed him away these are the reasons he'll never have a girlfriend.

"Dude you'll never get a girlfriend like this"

"Who says I want one" he said winking.

"Boyfriend?" I asked confused with the situation.

He then threatened to beat me up and he wasn't joking. One time I bet he wouldn't beat me up. It took months for my bruises to heal.

Jay was always secretive about his love life he and Audrey were together for a bit. But she ended up moving and that's end of that story.

But I needed to ask him a favor Audrey made him take dance classes. I needed him to teach me a waltz.

This time he was pushing me away from him. I had to get down on my knees and beg him.

"Fine" he said and took my hand into his.

Take my hand, take a breath
Pull me close and take one step
Jay pulls Carlos closer to him
Keep your eyes locked on mine,
They glaze into each other's eyes
And let the music be your guide.

Won't you promise me (now won't you promise me, that you'll never forget)
We'll keep dancing (to keep dancing) wherever we go next
They start to Waltz around their bedroom
It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you
It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do
Jay spins Carlos
And with every step together, we just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance (can I have this dance)
Can I have this dance

"What now Dude?" I asked trying to break the silence.

"We could kiss" he said.

"Jay you're my best friend and the straightest person I know"

"Guys kiss each other all the time and aren't gay"

    I looked at him again and pulled him by the collar of his leather jacket.

He leaned in and so did I and we kissed it was better than silence. His lips weren't as good as Jane's but they would do.

"What the heck" it was Evie's voice interrupting our moment.

We stopped kissing and looked on the reaction on her and Mal's face.

"We're just practicing for me and Jane's dance at the ball next month"

"With a make out session" Mal almost laughing.

It was a long conversation but we cleared the whole thing up.

I then looked at my hair and realized it needed a change. An hour later my white hair was now pitch black.

"Oh my god" was Jane's reaction she told me she likes it better dark. 

Everyone else's reaction was pretty much the same they liked it. I liked it too sort of I mean to be honest Auradon is kinda changing me.

Mal's reaction was different from everybody else.

"Why would you do that to your hair?" she said looking back and forth at my hair and back to an old picture of me.

"Why would you do that to your hair?" I fired back.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Everything about you isn't you from your hair to your clothes to your attitude"

"Leave me all of this"

"It's just hair Mal"

"You haven't had to act like someone you're not" she said pushing me back.

"The person who decides who I am is me and that's goes for you too"

"You're right this girl I've become isn't me"


"But it's me changing and change can be good or bad"

She walked out after that and since our chat we've been avoiding each other.

I realized that I just lost my best friend

It's hard to walk away
From the best of days
But if it has to end
I'm glad you have been my friend
In the time of our lives
I'm glad you have been my friend
In the time of our lives

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