Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve

Carlos's POV

When me and Jay head back to Auradon. He didn't even wanna see Evan before we had to go.

"What's up dude" I ask him.

"What do you mean"

"Did something happen between you and Evan"

"We really should be trying to find out what to do about this wand situation" he says trying to ignore me.

"Jay you know you can trust me"

"Carlos I don't have time for this"

I then when we're about to enter our room walk over to Evan's door and knock.

"What the heck are you doing"

He then grabs me and throws me in our room.

I then get back up and look him in the eyes and hug him.

He doesn't say anything doesn't even hug me back.

"Jay whatever you're feeling Just know I'll always there for you"

Mal's POV

Evie is pacing the room worried about Dizzy.

"E can I tell you something"

"Yea anything but when are Carlos and Jay getting back"

"It's about Carlos last night something happened"

"What happened?" She asked and her eyes widened.

"We may have kissed"

She then starting screaming and dancing.

"How who made the first move was it good"

"I made the first move and it was really good"

"Are you guys dating"

"We haven't had the talk"

Carlos's POV

"How are we suppose to get the wand?" Jay asking pacing the room.

"I could ask Jane" I suggest even though we were broken up.

"That could work"

"Maybe we should make a fake one how's Uma gonna tell the difference"

"I have Mal's sketches she drew last year"

"We could copy that with the 3D printer in the library"

We take the fake wand out of the special printer. But then we hear a familiar voice catch us.

"Why are you guys dressed like that and what are you doing with the wand" Lonnie asking unsure what was happening.

"Nothing" we both say.

"I'm telling Fairy Godmother if you don't let me on it" we had no choice.

We filled her in on the whole plan and she promised not to tell unless we bought her with us.

So we ended bringing her with us and we were ready to face Uma.


"You have the wand" Mal asks.

"Yes and No" Lonnie says as she walks out of the limo.

"Lonnie what are you doing here?" Evie asks.

"You're clearly not dressed right from the hair to the R.O.A.R uniform.

"How do you have that?" Jay asks.

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