Chapter 8

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Mal's POV

I woke up and decided to write in my diary.

Dear Diary,
     I hope me and Ben are going to be okay after our fight. Lately it seems as if I shouldn't be myself in front of him. Maybe I'll play along and put on a good girl act just for him. I guess it doesn't matter if I'm miserable .

I must've been angry while writing because I ripped the page and accidentally burned it. I guess my mood was affecting my magic even though I wasn't suppose to be using it. 

Jay's POV

    It was our first practice and we were all ready for it today we had to duel each other. Were we gonna have a little tournament and I was determined to win. We would split it in two so the winner of each would face off.

Carlos's POV

    I completely terrified most of the guys on our team were stronger than me I'd be the first one out. Too my dismay I was up first against Spence Douglas luckily he was only a few inches taller and he wasn't that hard at first. He swung at me but I managed to duck and flip over and took a shot at him and trip him and put my foot on his stomach and defeat him.

"Carlos good job" Li Shang said to me applauding my defeat and writing my name on the board.

Evie's POV

     We were sewing dresses and then out of the blue Doug asked me out on a real official date.


"Yea" I said liking when he called me by my nickname

"Would've been dating but we haven't been dating"

"Yea" I said getting up as he got up to hold my hands.

"Would you like to go out with me"

"Yes Yes Yes Oh my god Yes Yes!" I said hugging him tight.

"Thank God I practiced that 12 times the way here"

Ben's POV
Lunch was awfully quiet today Mal was poking her salad.

"Mal I need to say something"


"You should dye your hair again I can see purple in the roots".

She got fed with me and left the royal garden.

Jay's POV

On my side I won all my matches on my side Carlos was up against Evan and he lost so that meant it was me against Evan.

I flipped and swung at his feet but he was too fast for me. But then I tripped him and defeated him and helped him up.

"That's it for today" Li Shang says as he makes all make a walkway for him like he's some king or something.

We all headed back to my room to chill and have cold sodas even Chad came he's softened up ever since he and Lonnie started dating. He was lucky to have someone that makes him so happy I don't know what that felt like after Audrey moved.

Carlos's POV

    I was trying to sleep that night but I kept having flashbacks.

"Hi I'm Carlos"

"Don't care" a purple haired hair girl says as she pushes me into a locker.

When I took a look at her again I see her gray eyes and purple hair and wind blows over her.

I didn't think I'd see her again but then again we bumped into each other in the hallways of Dragon Hall.

"Hey could watch where you're going" she said pushing her way through. Mal and Jay bullied me a lot into doing a lot of stuff. But we ending up being best "friends" the word friend was weird when referring to me and Mal.

But that's all she is and Jane is my girlfriend so nothing could happen. I was happy with Jane and she was happy with me.

My mind goes to Jay no one knows what he wants or who he wants. It's was weird that he was the one who say we should kiss. But is it weird that I ship him and Evan they have too much chemistry.

I then wake up and it's already morning. I look in the mirror and decide to grab the hair dye and dye my hair back to normal color. White just plain white and start wearing my old clothes again. I was done letting Auradon change me even Jay is under their spell.

I decide to walk Dude not even bothering to wake up Jay. I bump into Mal just how I did that one day back on the Isle.

"You're hair" was the first thing she noticed she looked happy.

"You seem happy" I told her.

"Ben told me he wants to be a better boyfriend and not act like a king all the time"

"That's great I'm happy for you really I am" I said and felt Dude tugging on his leash.

When we got outside I felt a little weird  I look back at the doors and see her face and it brings a smile to my face.

I'm feeling nervous
Trying to be so perfect
Cause I know you're worth it
You're worth it
Carlos looks at Mal laughing

If I could say what I want to say
I'd say I wanna blow you... away
Be with you every night
Am I squeezing you too tight
If I could say what I want to see
I want to see you go down
On one knee
Marry me today
Guess, I'm wishing my life away
With these things I'll never say

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