Chapter 4

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Aubrey P.O.V.

I hadn't talked to Drew since the party he hadn't call or texted me

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I hadn't talked to Drew since the party he hadn't call or texted me. I figured he was occupied with a hoe or just getting drunk as usual. I sighed. I was in the cafeteria all of us had gotten here. "Who did you get a ride from?" Bianca's nosey ass asked. "Uh that guy from the party the brother of the girl we were about to fight." I explained. "What happened with Drew?" Ciara asked with an confused face. "Oh he had left early and I wanted to stay." I lied. They nodded.

Brandon P.O.V.

"Nawl you needa chill and stay home ever since you been talking to ole dude whats his name? Drew or sum shit you been thinking you hard

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"Nawl you needa chill and stay home ever since you been talking to ole dude whats his name? Drew or sum shit you been thinking you hard. And you know he has a damn girlfriend. Calm yo ass down you sheltered you been in private school from elementary to 9th grade they finally give you freedom in the 10th and you find these bullshit ass friends." I told my sister. I lived with my mom and she lived with our dad. Her mom was the side chick and my dad chose the side over my mom and me we're one year apart. I'm the oldest.

I'm Brandon Jermaine Wilson, I'm mixed my moms half white and half Dominican and my dads black. My mom struggled once my dad quit her he was the Breadwinner like a man is supposed to be and he left when I was 3, for 2 years me and my mom didnt know about Nia or her mom Shaunte. When I got older at about 5 they wanted us to grow up knowing each other. My dad helped My mom out by paying for the house but after that he left her alone.

At 7 my mama held 3 jobs struggling with bills and my moms refused to ask for child support so we moved into the projects. Then when I turned 13 I realized the struggle and started hustling after a while I got promoted which means I made my way up and now I'm damn near running this shit me nd some other dude Cameron run this business. I'm almost ready to move out to my dream house. I been saving since I started this hustle. I already succeeded making sure me and my mom both had cars but that's from my cover up job at the mall I work at Champs.

"Your not my dad Brandon and okay whatever I was gonna fuck those hoes up." She sighed. I scoffed. "Your not me we was raised different you break a damn nail fighting you stop to fix it." I shook my head just walking out the house. She's mad blessed she dont see it not saying my life crappy just I been through shit and would kill for what she got. But back to me I'm 16 in the 11th grade. My birthday is soon but Ian rushing to be 17. I'm the type of nigga that whatever happens just happen and I gotta live around it.

After walking out I got in the car and drove off to school. I was a little late but that'll be alright ill just sign myself in. I also needed to change my schedule cause this class schedule I had going on was not up some nigga in my class keep making slick ass comments and before I whoop his ass I wanna make it known I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. So he ain't got many more times to fuck wit me before I go crazy in his ass. Growing up as I did and in the hood. I had to learn to defend myself. Not only could I defend myself but I was good with a gun too. I hadn't killed nobody but if I keep doing what im doing then the time soon to come, its gone be a choice either shoot or die. Not saying I never had confrontation where I had to kill a nigga cause I have. I make some other niggas do the work for me though.

Once I got there I signed in and got them to change my schedule they made me wait there for them to change that shit once I got it I looked it over before going to 1st period since I wasn't really as late as I thought I'd be.
It was math. I sighed I hated that shit. I walked in and looked over at the people in there. They seemed alright. "Oh you must be Mr. Wilson. well there is a seat next to Ms. Jenett." He pointed over to the girl from last night. I smirked before walking over.

"Wassup you made it in without your parents tearing ya head off." I laughed. "Yea they were cool I just said we stayed at one of the girls houses and lost track of time." She shrugged. I nodded. I wasn't no sugar coating ass nigga. "Um, you busy this weekend?" I asked her. She gave a uneasy look just as the bell rang. She grabbed her stuff. "I have a boyfriend." She said sternly as she walked out. I smirked. I don't give a fuck. I got up and went over throughout the halls hot on her heels. "Ian ask that lil mama, I asked if you busy. I'm just tryna get to know you ya know." I explained to her.

"Well my boyfriend wouldn't like me doing anything with any other guy being involved he rarely let's me hang with my friends....because their single." She told me. I nodded. "Why you dont leave him? You keep saying you got a boyfriend but thats just somebody who forcing you to be wit em he really ain't shit." I shook my head. "Hey baby." Dre or Drake or Driz whatever his name is came up putting his hands in Aubrey's waist tightly. Her facially expression became nervous. "Hey...." She trailed as he looked up at me. "Aye what you saw that night was a misunderstanding." He explained. I chuckled not believing this jokee cause Ian dumb. "Yea whatever dude. Any way Aubrey lemme know if you up for it..." I slid my phone number in her hand.

Simple ass chapter I wanted to add some more of what Bianca and Journey got going on and introduce something new with Ciara but I'll have that updated soon since I basically dont have shit to do till Thursday...

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