Lesson 4: The Home Tutor and the Student's Vacation (Part 1)

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I told my teammates about my plan to make Akira come with me to the beach for a short vacation. I did this because I know I can't convince her by myself after what happened earlier.

"So, what do you want to do?" Kimura asked me while scratching his head.

"I don't even know..."

Takao hit my stomach with his elbow and sighed.

"Shin-chan, just apologize!"

Easy for you to say....

I buried my face in my hands and began brainstorming. Where's my mind at at times like these?

Suddenly, an incredibly absurd idea comes to my mind.

"I think I know what to do"

My teammates all looked at me and widened their eyes when they heard what I was going to say.

"We'll kidnap Akira and that will force her to come"

Takao pinched my cheeks really really hard. Why does he keep hurting me today?!

"Shin-chan, are you even in your right mind?!"

I shook my head and he looked more annoyed. What's his problem anyway?

"Well, can you think of anything else,Takao?"

He froze then looked down. Guess not...

"Are we going to do this or not?"

Miyaji asked while dribbling a ball.

"Yeah...we are.."

Takao slightly raised his hands in surrender and sighed.

We had a meeting about it and each gave their suggestions on how to do it. In the end, we ended up with Takao as a distraction, while the other three will perform the operation. I wanted to take part but Takao stopped me.

"So, we first pair her up with Takao to go to somewhere then the three of you ambush them and finally, kidnap Akira."

They nodded their heads in agreement.

"Can I go to the ice cream shop with Akira then?"

"That would do"

Takao stood up then grabbed his Shutoku jacket from the bench.

"Let's go, you guys"

Takao exited the gym to find Akira. The four of us in the gym waited for 5 minutes. My cellphone rang and it had a new message. It was from Takao.

To: Shin-chan

Found her, on our way to the ice cream shop~( ' ▽ ' )ノ

I stood up and Kimura, Otsubo and Miyaji followed me to the car. We drove towards the ice cream shop and parked behind a fruit truck. I gave them a handkerchief and a sleeping pill. It should work for 3 hours and the flight is 9:30 in the evening. It was now 6:30 though. Manager said we should leave here early and get there on time.

"What if she recognizes us?"

Ugh...I didn't think of that.

"Just wear these extra pair of sunglasses"

I gave them each one pair and they wore them proudly.

"Wish us luck, Midorima"

They got out of the car then walked towards the ice cream shop. I texted Takao to tell him that they were on their way. He texted me after a minute and told me that they'll be going now too.

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