Lesson 11: Socializing with A Person That Is Neither My Tutor or Student

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I was preparing for a 'dinner meet-up' with Chizuru right now. I don't know why but I was excited for it. Maybe it was because I haven't seen her in a while. I sighed as my thoughts went back to the conversation earlier.

"Hello, Shintarou"

I gritted my teeth as I reluctantly replied back.

"What do you want?"

"Is that really the way you talk to me now?"

"Just get to the point, Chizuru"

She sighed.

"I was just going to invite you for dinner tonight"

I widened my eyes when I heard her reason and that was enough to make me snap.

"I don't care"

"Really? But....Shintarou...I promise you, what I'm feeling now is true"

I wanted to say yes but...

"Oh...then prove it"

I then heard sobs on the other line.


She said in between sobs. I couldn't help but sigh at what she was doing. I couldn't even tell if this was acting or not.

"Fine, where will we meet up?"

Ugh...what am I doing...

"Eh.......how about...the Italian restaurant we used to go to?"


"See you there, Shintarou"

I ended the call and sighed, this is unexpected.

"Ah...Midorima, are you leaving?"

I looked at the girl leaning on the door frame and let out a sigh "Yeah, I'm just meeting with someone"

"I see, will you be eating dinner here?" Akira asked me while smiling.

I shook my head. She slowly nodded and flashed me another smile "See you later, Taro-pon"

I flinched at the nickname and she smirked at my reaction. I wonder what got her into a cheerful mood..

I then noticed the necklace she was wearing and widened my eyes. That was the necklace Hifumi showed to me. She told me that the girl who wears that necklace is the perfect one for Mido-kun.

"Where did you get that?" I asked her.

She chuckled and looked at me "From Fumi-chan"

I sighed "What's with the bright mood?"

She looked at me then placed a finger in front of her lips "Secret"

I clicked my tongue at her childish actions and adjusted my glasses in defeat. No use in arguing with her anyway...

"Well, I'll go now..." I said, a little worried about leaving Akira alone "Don't let ANYONE except me go in here"

"Hai, hai oto-san...." Akira exclaimed while waving goodbye "Take care!"

I nodded my head as she closed the door, locking it after. I then walked over to the elevator and went to the lobby. I then exited it with my lucky item on my left hand. Today's lucky item is a Russian doll.

I walked over to my car and climbed inside. I started the engine and began to drive off towards a certain Italian restaurant.

After a while, I parked my car in front of a restaurant called 'Papa's Italiano'

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