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Penny's POV

My heart pounded against my chest. Ariana Grande was going to adopt me. I mean this could all be a stupid prank by a stupid internet troll but I wanted to take my chances!

I didn't reply to Ariana, not yet anyway I had to let it sink in. I got up from my lumpy mattress and put on some actual clothes. Black skinny jeans and a plain white shirt tied at the side because it was too big. I finished off my outfit with a black cap and looked in the mirror. I scoffed to myself at how basic I looked.

"Penny!!" I heard my name been screamed out.

It sounded like one of the younger orphans needed me. I quickly ran to the voice while shoving my phone in my back pocket.

"Penny over here!"

I turned around to see little Ava crying in a corner, a carer was sitting next to her trying to calm her.

"Ava it's okay! You're gonna love your new family!"

"But I don't want to leave here. Penny is my big sister and I could never leave her"

Ava was only 8 but she had the biggest heart in the world. I could hear her trying to control her sobs as she kept arguing with the carer. I sat down next to Ava and wrapped both of my arms around her as the carer walked away.

"Baby it's going to be okay! After all you deserve a great family, don't stay here it's not that great of a place" I said in a calming voice.

"But you've always been here for me, I can't just leave you"

"I promise everything will be fine and I'll even visit you!"

"Okay than I guess I'll go"

I helped Ava up and walked her back to her room. As I entered my room and threw myself on my bed I felt a buzz in my back pocket. It was from Ariana.

Ariana: helllooo are u still alive?

Penny: YESSS haha I was so excited I couldn't type! And than I had to help a girl at the orphanage

Ariana: naww you're sweet! Soooo what do u think about me adopting u next week? You can travel with me while I'm on tour and if u get bored of it u can live with Frankie for a month or so

Penny: that sounds great! I'm so excited Ariana I can't believe you're doing this for me💗

Ariana: i love u💕

Penny: i love u too💕



Adopted by Ariana Grande - texting wars Where stories live. Discover now