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Unknown: heyy

Ariana: who's this?

Unknown: my names Penny!

Ariana: i'm sorry but how did u get this number?

Penny: well I was on instagram and I was looking through the comments on Beyoncés latest post and I saw your number so I texted it

Ariana: oh that's so weird haha. Well my names Ariana, how old are u?

Penny: 14 wbu

Ariana: 23, i'm a grande

Penny: wait......grande? As in Ariana Grande the pop star??

Ariana: yes ahaha that's me

Penny: i justed fainted

Ariana: aww you're so cute!

Penny: are u actually Ariana Grande like your not messing with me?

Ariana: no! I would never do that! Tell me about yourself

Penny: well my name is Penny, I'm 14 and I live in an orphanage

Ariana: awh bb i'm so sorry! How long have you been living there for?

Penny: since I was 10. My mum and dad travelled a lot and never took me with them. I didn't even know if they loved me. One day they went on a trip to Europe and never came back. I discovered a heart felt letter from them in a champagne bottle I had accidently broken. They explained that they had loved me until I started growing up and getting in their way of going on their trips. That's when I got sent to the orphanage where every few months I hope to get adopted by a loving family.

Ariana: babyyyyy I just cried reading that😩. You've had such a tough life you don't deserve anything that's less than what it should be💕

Penny: thanks💕 hey i'm gonna go i'll talk to you later

Ariana: kk bye boo💜


Penny's POV

After talking to Ariana and realising how dull my life is I wondered if I should just give it all up and run away from this orphanage. Sure it has food, a bed and warmth but I want a family. I want a family who fights with each for the smallest things and than forgets about it a minute later.

I sighed to myself as I laid on my lumpy mattress and thought about how my life would be if my parents did love me. If my parents took me on their trips around the world. How would I have turned out?


Hiiiii🌹 So finally I have the first chapter of the #2 book to 'Adopted by Ariana Grande'. Was the first chapter alright? If anyone has any ideas i would love to hear them!



Adopted by Ariana Grande - texting wars Where stories live. Discover now