I am so sorry Ariana

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My heart is completely shattered after hearing about the Manchester incident. I have been crying a lot because Ariana wants nothing more in this world than peace and than this happens? It just doesn't make sense. All of those children and teens that were so excited to see Ariana and were counting down the days are left with unforgettable memories. My stomach sunk when I heard 22 had lost their innocent lives. My love and support goes out to every family involved♡ I'm just so stunned that this is seriously the world we live in. I absolutely hate seeing Ariana in so much pain thinking that this is her fault. It's not and it never will be. The fact she told Alfredo that she wants to end her career devestates me and yes as I'm writing this I am in tears. My heart is just broken in so many ways. I sincerely hope she pulls through strong because it does effect me and every arianator to see Ari like this. God bless you Ariana, you are the strongest human being that I have come to know and everyday you make me smile and laugh. Please from the bottom of my heart pull through strong baby♡ We will forever be your tiny elephants🐘🙏♡

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