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Ariana: hey boo are you feeling alright? You kind of left suddenly yesterday

Penny: yeah i'm fine i guess, i just got a little emotional talking about my parents that's all

Ariana: oh well i hope you're feeling better😌💗

Penny: i am thanks♡ Aye so do you have a boyfriennnddd?

Ariana: there might be a guy...

Penny: well!!! Tell me!

Ariana: alright alright😂 his apart of this Australian boy group and they play pranks on each other and do stupid stunts. That's all you're getting from me

Penny: oh c'mon you're not even going to tell me a name?

Ariana: we'll save that for another day sweetie

Penny: ughh finnnne😒

Ariana: sent an attachment

Penny: we'll see about that

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Penny: we'll see about that

Ariana: what do you do for fun in the orphanage?

Penny: hmm let's see. I babysit the younger kids here sometimes when the carers are gone. There's nothing to really do here besides cook and clean😩

Ariana: when's your next adoption day?

Penny: next Monday, why?

Ariana: send me the address asap

Arianas POV

My mouth curved into a smile as an idea swept across me. I'm going to adopt Penny. She literally seems like a mini me, although I've only known her for a few days it still feels like we have some sort of connection. I'm currently on tour for my Dangerous Woman album but Penny can travel with me and maybe even be in the show!

I laughed in excitement as I thought about all the fun we could have. Maybe she could even live with Frankie for a month or so if she got bored of the tour! My phone screen lit up as Penny's name showed up.

Penny: 64 castle drive street, san francisco. Why do you want the address?

Ariana: Penny i'm going to adopt you!


Yooooo so as u can probably tell we're gonna pretend that Jai is dating Ariana♡ If anyone wants to make a cover for this book that I can use and like i would be so grateful💗


ArianasVibes 💜💜

Adopted by Ariana Grande - texting wars Where stories live. Discover now