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Penny's POV

My alarm woke me up as I jumped out of bed full of energy. I didn't share a room with anyone, luckily, because I was the oldest in the orphanage. I pumped my fists into the air and did a happy dance.


My heart was beating out of my chest and I couldn't contain my excitement knowing that a celebrity, Ariana freaking Grande is coming here to adopt me. I tried to keep cool, calm and collected.

"My phone! Where did I put it?" I said to myself.

I headed towards my night stand and grabbed my phone off it, revealing that I had a missed call and 2 new messages from Ariana.

Ariana's POV

I arrived at the airport and soon found Frankie and my mum waiting for me.

"My gorgeous Ariana!" Mum reached out her arms and tightly hugged me.

"Mum! I've missed you so so much"

"I've missed you too! But look at you! You're going on tour and I'm so proud of you"

We both shedded a tear than Frankie ran up to me, picked me up and swung me around.



"I'm so happy to see you!"

"Me too omg! I feel like you've gotten taller!"

Frankie put me down and we headed over to collect our plane tickets for the flight.

"So tell us about Penny" mum gleefully asked.

"Well she's 14, lives in an orphanage and is super excited I'm adopting her!"

"Ariana I don't want to be a granny yet I'm too young!"

"Don't worry about that, I'm going to adopt her as my little sister because she literally reminds me of a mini me she's so cute omg"

We continued our way onto the plane and started boarding. I quickly tried to ring Penny to tell her I'm going on the plane but she didn't pick up.

Ariana: getting on the plane now see you soon!

Ariana: woah I didn't realise how happy I am until now

I put my phone on airoplane mode and sat in my allocated seat which was next to Frankie.


Just as the plane landed in San Francisco I finished watching my favourite Jim Carrey movie. A voice came on over the over speaker.

"All passengers please exit safely and we hope you enjoyed your flight with us"

As soon as I got off the plane I was mobbed by paps. I honestly think someone is like secretly spying on me through my phone because people seem to know where I am 24/7 even when I don't give out any info on my where abouts.

"Hey mum?"

"Yes sweetie?"

"Can you please not ask Penny about her parents and why she ended up in the orphanage? I want her to feel welcome and not awkward"

"Of course!"

"That goes for you to Frankie"

"Alright alright"

I smiled and headed towards our car that was waiting for us.

"So the plan is to drop our stuff off at the hotel and than we'll head over to the orphanage"

Frankie and Mum nodded in agreeance. I turned my phone off of plane mode and got about 1000 notifications from twitter and a message from Penny.


Ariana: we just landed! I'll see you in like an hour. We're gonna drop our stuff off at the hotel than head over to come get you!


I giggled and put my phone in my bag. The driver drove us to our hotel and than drove us to the orphanage.


Heyy so I probably won't be updating for about two weeks because my internet will be down but THERES 117 DAYS TILL I SEE ARIANA💕

Adopted by Ariana Grande - texting wars Where stories live. Discover now