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Penny's POV

Within an hour everyone was packed and ready to leave for l.a. Frankie had called an uber and it arrived within minutes. In my personal opinion I don't trust ubers. Like have you seen most of the guys that drive the cars....they're so sketchy. I tried to hide my disatisfaction as I made myself as comfortable as I could in the car. No one spoke a word, I guess they were trying to keep a low profile or something.

My phone buzzed and I saw it was from the groupchat.

Ariana: hey hey boys

Liz: excuse me

Ariana: i mean hey hey boys and liz

Liz: much better

Scott: so have u and jai talked yet?

Brian: scott your moods change so fast wtf u wanted to strangle me two seconds ago for forgetting the costumes

Scott: shutup ugly


Matt: yeah ari so whats up with jai?

Ariana: idk I haven't spoken to him

Penny: i knew you had a bf called jai i just knew it!

Ariana: penny how did u get added into this??

Brian: guilty🙋

I looked next to me and Ariana was staring at me with one eyebrow raised. Luckily for me the uber had just stopped at the airport so I could get out. I saw joan opening the boot of the trunk and motioning for me to get my suitcase. As quickly as I could I grabbed my suitcase but was stopped by Ariana holding my arm. I looked at her and saw her with a smirk on her face.

"Come on guys hurry our plane is starting to board!" Joan said and you could tell she was stressing.

Ariana gave me a look that said 'we will talk about this later'.


We finally arrived in l.a and went straight to Ariana's house. It was the biggest thing I've ever seen in my entire life. I'm pretty sure a zoo could fit in there with extra space still avaliable.

"It's nice huh" Frankie chirped.

"I didn't even know houses like this existed!"

Everyone chuckled and we all took our bags inside as I was immediately greeted by toulouse & coco. A few moments later I was being given a tour of the house.

"Come i wanna show you my room" Ariana raced upstairs and I followed. She opened her door slowly and I nearly fainted.

"Well!!! What do you think!"

"I-i-its beautiful!!!"

I truly felt like this was a dream. Her bedroom was massive with white walls, a queen sized bed in the middle of the room, multiple walk-in wardrobes and a wall mirror.

"What do you do with all this space?"

"I like things with space. The bigger, the better"

After Ariana had finished showing me around she told me I get to find out what my room looks like tonight. We sat out on the patio and talked. So Ariana about your boyfriend....


Hey y'all!!! So I have a couple exciting things! The first is that IM SEEING ARI IN 67 DAYS!!!!!! LIKE MY HEART CANT HANDLE THIS! & the second thing is in 3 weeks im performing somewhere over the rainbow at an event and im just super excited to dedicate that to olm victims♡

During this book I was thinking of penny getting a bf and than have some raunchy scenes? Would y'all be interested in that?

Adopted by Ariana Grande - texting wars Where stories live. Discover now