End- Jet Pack Blues

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(Don't forget to watch the video, it's really sad)

Red took it upon his self to find out what had happened. Stretch of course wanted him to just go back and stay out of it, but Red couldn't do that.

So as Rose accompanied Stretch back to find Frisk, Red separated from his three friends and went off to find his bother, er his Boss.

But when Red walked into the war room, where he expected Edge to be, all he found was Chara. Chara was an okay kid, sure she had a slight fashionation with stabbing things with knives but didn't every kid? Never mind don't answer that. She could pass as Frisk's clone, if it wasn't for the slightly darker and longer hair, the red eyes, and the female parts. Of course she also wasn't raised by Alphys, she grew upnon the streets for the longest time, before a kid named Asriel, who happened to be Asgore's son, brought her in to work at the castle. Usally she stayed hidden, especially after Asriel disappeared.

But thats a story for a different time.

"Kid? What are you doing here?" Red asked, feeling uneasy.

Chara grinned, black foam dripping from her mouth, "Hello Red, fancy seeing you here."

Red backed up, he wasn't a genius, but he knew that kids don't foam black stuff from the mouth. The short male turned to exit the room, but the door was no longer there. He spun back around to face Chara again, but she had disappeared also, leaving him in the pitch black war room.

"Okay kid, this isn't funny," Red called out. Silence. "Kid come on! Stop messing around!"

But no body came.

"Kid?" Red stepped forward.

The room seemed to be getting darker. And darker. Until Red couldn't see anything but darkness.

A screeching sound rang through the room, making Red freeze. He called out again, hoping it was one of the maids, or even Flowey or Rei.

But no body came.

"Guys," His voice cracked, "Come on, you had your fun."

A giggle was heard echoing off the walls. Red jumped slightly, no expecting the loud noise. He fell back, making a loud crash as he landed on a chair.

The voice giggled again, this time closer.

"Guys-" Red went to stand up, but he couldn't. He pulled on his arms but found them strapped down, "Guys!"


Stretch followed Rose down the twisting halls, before they came to an abrupt stop, making the Prince run into her.

Frisk stood in front of them, his arms behind him and his face void of emotion, "Prince Stretch."

Stretch nodded, walking in front of his guard slightly, "You wanted to tell me something about my brother?"

The boy nodded, "Yes, you see, I work for Alphys as she raised me, and as I know everything she does isn't always for good, I still help her as she is like my mother," He sighs, "That was until I meet someone."

Stretch gave him a pointed look, "And this has to do with my brother how?"

"I'm getting there," Frisk muttered rolling his eyes, "You see, Alphys works very closely with Asgore, and a few years ago his son brought in a girl off the streets... not to long after something happened to Asgore's son."

"This is old news you know." Rose said raising an eyebrow at the boy.

"Fine, fine, anyways things happened when Asriel disappeared, Asgore became more aggressive and in turn so did Alphys, Asgore blamed Chara and started questioning her on what she did to him, and when she didn't answer correctly, things would happen." Frisk paused, "This is when I realized how cruel this kingdom really is... normally I wouldn't care what the two would do, but, I just want Chara to be happy, be free of this place...and in order to do that, I need to go against Alphys."

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