"Sir." Alphys called. (I always forget how to spell her name ;-;)
Edge grunted, not looking up from the paperwork on his desk, "What."
"The tall prince from Underswap, Stretch, has been hanging around Red, even sneaking out to see him at night."
The king raised an eye brow, "What of it."
Alphys looked at him in shock, "Aren't you concerned-"
"Concerned that you are interrupting my work? Yes. Concerned that you are digging to far into business that isn't yours? Yes," Edge growled, still not looking at the shaking scientist, "Now leave, I do not want to hear another word!"
Once Alphys finally left, Edge slumped down into his chair with a sigh. So Stretch and Red were getting close?
Edge stood, placing the paperwork on the corner of his desk for him to look through later. He opened the door only to run into Blue.
"Oh! Blueberry, I am sorry I didn't see you there."
Blue smiled up at Edge nervously, the words of Frisk echoing in his head, "H-hi Edge, i-its okay-y."
Edge frowned, now the normal perky-ness of the small male did bother him, but now seeing him practically shaking in his boots... it concerned him. Not that he would ever tell anyone, "Is something the matter?"
"N-no..." Blueberry paused, "W-well... do you know a kid named F-Frisk?"
The taller male gave a small chuckle, "Of course, he works for Alphys."
"Y-yes, well... h-he came to talk to me last n-night."
At this, Edge grew worried. Now the great heartless King of Underfell rarely worried, but when it came down to 'Frisk' and 'talk' in the same sentence, well it was never good. Don't get him wrong, the kid was okay, but he was practically raised by Alphys, and she wasn't known to be a people person. Unless she was experimenting on one. So naturally Frisk grew to be the silent type, and it was never a good thing when he decided on his own free will to speak to someone.
"Oh? What did he want."
Blue hesitated, Frisk told him not to speak of what happened, but this was the King. Surely he could speak to him about this...right? "H-he warned me to-"
He was cut off by Asgore, "Ah! So Alphys was able to get you out of your room?"
Edge sighed feeling annoyed, "I came out on my own."
Asgore laughed, "Of course, of course," he looked over at Blueberry who was awkwardly looking at the floor, "Ah sorry did I interrupt some thing?"
"Yes." Edge snapped, at the same time Blue said 'no'.
"Well I'll leave you two to it." Asgore said with a snort. He gave Blue a pointed look, at which the small male flinched, and left humming a childhood tune.
"I-I better get going..." Blueberry muttered before quickly leaving.
Edge sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that day. He was the King, so why did he feel as if everyone knew something that he didn't? Maybe it was time he payed a visit to an old friend.
>time skipppp<
Mettaton grumbled to herself (I don't care if Mettaton is a he or a she, Mettaton is a girl in this story so no hate.. plwase) as a knock came on her door, "Give me a god damn minute!"
"Well I don't have a fucking minute!" Came the reply on the other side of the door.
She laughed as she finally opened the door, "Well, well, look who it is."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I only came here to ask about something, so save me the lecture." Edge grumbled as he walked into Mettaton's small house.
"Oh? What does the great and horrible King of Underfell wish to ask little oh me?"
"Shut up Mettaton." Yet despite himself, Edge found a genuine smile creep onto his face.
I had to finish this on my computer because my phone kept shutting off and then it wouldn't turn back on >.<
This chapter was meh :l I actually wasn't planning on Mettaton coming in but... I needed someone not in the castle that Edge could talk to, I also wasn't going to put Edge's view (well at lest not yet) BUT... eh I don't have a reason :P well not one I can say without spoiling anything.
WELL PEACE~ (Oh my fuz another update, the world is endingggggg)

The Servant (Human!Honeymustard Fanfic)
FanficIn a kingdom called Underfell, there lived a cruel King. He was as heartless as they come. The neighboring Kingdom, Underswap, had a sick but kind King, along with his two sons. And fate just brought the two Kingdoms together. (Story with sweetnsalt...