Edge watched the two princes closely as they, well mostly Blueberry, described that the young prince had fallen for Edge and after hearing that he was looking for a parter they decided to come and try to woo him. Of course this was all said differently so neater prince looked like a crazed starker.
"Well," Edge said slowly once the two had finished, "I am not against the idea of someone trying to win my heart..." The princes looked hopeful, "But I will not marry just anyone, you must prove to me that you are worth my time."
Blue nodded quickly, "I understand Your Majesty, do not worry you will not be let down."
The King smirked, "I would hope not."
So the two princes were dismissed, with the promise that they could stay for however long they needed, as long as the King doesn't get feed up with them. Once they left the dark room, the two tried to head back to their room. But the twisting corridors got them lost quite easily.
"Are you two lost?" A small voice asked from behind them.
The two princes turned around to find the young blond haired boy looking up at them. Stretch gave a small smile, "Yes it appears we have gotten ourselves lost."
Flowey nodded, "I can show you to your rooms, follow me."
They followed the boy down a few hallways before Stretch remembered something, "Wasn't Edge supposed to have a older brother?"
The blond stopped in his tracks, he turned back to them slowly, his body shaking slightly from fear, "Where did you hear that?
Stretch frowned, "Everyone talked about it when Edge became King, asking what happened to the older sibling."
"Well... the King does not like talking about his brother," Flowey muttered, turning back around to keep moving, "It would be best if you never talk about it."
This seemed to trouble the two brothers, "Did something happen to him?" Blueberry asked as they turned a corner.
The young boy looked back at them hesitantly, "No... well I guess it depends on your definition of 'something happened'."
A pair of orange eyes rolled in annoyance, "Like he passed away, is deathly sick, anything like that, that caused him not to take the throne."
"Oh," The blond mumbled, "No nothing like that, he did not want to be King so he let his brother take the throne."
"So is he still here?" Blue asked curiously.
"In the castle?" The brothers nodded, "...yes, but like I said it is best not to ask for him." Flowey replyed, glancing around like someone was watching them.
"Why?" Stretch questioned, looking at the boy suspiciously.
Flowey sighed, stopping to face the princes again, "Because the King is not fond of his brother and wishes for the fact that he is his sibling to be forgotten."
"That seems harsh, he was given his throne because of his brother." Blue muttered feeling bad for this older brother.
Shrugging, Flowey turned back to keep walking, "Maybe thats why his so angry with him, once Red turned down the throne, Edge was forced to be King no matter what he wanted."
It was silent as the two thought about that. "Wait..." Stretch called as the facts hit him, "You said Red."
"Yes? Why does that matter, thats his name." Flowey grumbled wishing they would shut up.
"The person who took us to see the King was named Red." The older prince pointed out.
Blueberry nodded as he realized what his brother was getting at, "Are they the same person?"
With a deep sigh, Flowey nodded slowly, "Yes... I do not know what exactly happened but... I heard Edge was a fine King at first, he had Red help him with ruling, but then something happened and he took the throne for himself, Red was no longer aloud to be called his brother and he forced Red to become a servant."
"Well I didn't put up much of a fight." A voice mumbled.
Yes its short again but I wanted to end it there ^-^ plus I figured I probably should update XD

The Servant (Human!Honeymustard Fanfic)
FanfictionIn a kingdom called Underfell, there lived a cruel King. He was as heartless as they come. The neighboring Kingdom, Underswap, had a sick but kind King, along with his two sons. And fate just brought the two Kingdoms together. (Story with sweetnsalt...