Chapter 13: confusion and reality

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They both started at the raptor as he chuckled, "Huh so you are clueless of who I am... I expected much" he said as he took an apple from the table and took a bite from it. They both tried to take their weapons but the raptor pointed his rifle at them, "Grab the fucking weapon and I'll shove a bullet up your asses" they looked at him stunned since when he entered he didn't have that rifle at all, "alright what do you want" Ven said as he saw the raptor take another bite from the apple, "mmmm these taste delicious *bites* well I want you my dear friend" Ven started at him as Zura walked up to the raptor," First of all who are you and what the fuck do you want" the raptor smiles as he finishes eating his apple. They both stay looking at him," well the name is Vergence and I'm here to fix my friend" Ven puzzled asked, "and who or what friend are you talking about" the raptor smiled as he came up to him a poked ven in the chest," it is you Ven you are Leo and I need you to bring him back" Ven shocked sat down putting together all the weird dreams he had and how he strangely he had a feeling he knew Vergence. Zura angered grabbed the raptor and with a force she didn't knew she had she slammed him to the wall pinning him, "alright jackass what's the catch what the fuck is going on and what do you need Ven for" Ven stud up and grabbed Zura, "put him down" Zura places him down, "alright Vergence explain me everything" verge sits down and places a crystal showing a reshiram similar to Ven but this one was blue instead of white and gold, "That is leo and you have half of his dragon soul and without you in his soul he is technically gonna be there until you get killed or returned" Ven stays quite. The three of them stare at each other for long moments," And who is the black coated guy" Zura asked as she showed the picture to Verge," Oh yeah this guy want you to join his organization but that won't happen" Zura stares at him, What do you mean that won't happen" Vergence quickly grabs the gun and takes it out as both Ven and Zura get theirs as well and point at him, "So you goal is to fucking kill me... FUCK NO!!! screw you leo can fucking die I have my own life he can go to fucking hell" Verge grins angrily as he starts shooting them as they dodge and leave through the window.

The three of them start fighting as Zura punches verge as he try's to shoot at ven, Ven dodges quickly hitting him with his dragon blade. Vergence gets launched at the air but he quickly throws some Granades at them, Zura quickly grabs Ven and helps him dodge them. The three of them stop as they look at each other, "I'm not gonna just simply let you escape Ven" Ven and Zura look at him, "Oh yeah well fuck you I'll kill you first before joining you" they all stare at each other.

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