Wherever You Are {5sos}

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I remember last week, our Valentine’s Day was ruined. You told me the news, and I was heartbroken. I knew one day this would happen, but I did not know how near it was. I did not know you would go on tour, with one of the biggest boy bands. Not that I am complaining, because at least I can say I knew you before you were famous. Before, that is a funny word.

For a while we pretended

That we never had to end it

But we knew we had to say goodbye

You were crying at the airport

When they finally closed the plane door

I could barely hold it all inside

Now here I stand, waiting for you to leave. You stood in front of me, in some casual clothes. You always looked so good in them. You looked sad, but I could tell from the forced smile, that you were also happy. Maybe I knew you too well.

“I’ll miss you,” I hear, when you grab me into a loving hug. I could smell my favourite cologne, because it was yours. You always smelled so nice. I felt short, because here you are, inches taller than I am. My head barely reached your chin.

“Me too, I’ll miss you…a lot.” I whispered to you, clinging to your sweater as I cried. I could feel your sweater get soaked, from my tears. I don’t know why I’m crying, maybe it’s because I’m letting the best thing in my life, leave.

“I have to go,” You whisper, pulling away, as I heard the announcement to leave. Your band mates stood there, with a sad smile plastered, gesturing you to come.

I waved sadly, blowing a small kiss to you, all four of you. Your band was possibly a big part of my life, and I could not help but miss all four of you, while you are gone.

When I left, I was wiping my tears, with a sad smile plastered. I saw my parents, waiting for me, with their arms open. I ran to them, as I would to you.

One of your band mates messaged me, telling me that you cried too. They told me you cried as soon as those doors closed. Maybe that’s why I felt more heartbroken.

Torn in two

And I know I shouldn't tell you

But I just can't stop thinking of you

Wherever you are


Wherever you are

Every night I almost call you

Just to say it always will be you

Wherever you are

I remember coming home, and wondering why you never called. I followed you, I followed everything you did. All concerts, I watched every single one of them. I liked every single one of them, I remember watching the videos and crying. I saw you, and you were smiling. You were doing what you meant to do, be on stage.

I remember your band mate messaging me, two months into tour, saying they heard you muttering my name, as you fiddled with your phone. ‘Did you want to call me too,’ I would wonder to myself.

I remember hanging up, and thinking about calling you. Who knew you were doing the same thing.

“It will always be you,” And for some reason, my heart was connected to yours. Ours thoughts were the same. Maybe it was a sign. Maybe I’d always be yours, and you’d always be mine.

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