Perfect Girlfriend (5sos}

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She did everything for him. He travelled the world, and she joined him. Sure, she was in school, but multitasking was something she was good at. She would be homeschooled, she would call her parents every night – unless the service wasn’t great, then she would call twice the next day. She would communicate with fans, and the 20k tweets said a lot, since she barely tweeted before. She would make sure to follow fans – on behave of her boyfriend. She would even read letters she was given, just so the boys can all hear what they said. She went and bought ever CD – even though she could have spent money on something else – and held contests for lucky fans, who didn’t have the CD yet, and they could win the CD.

But all that went downhill, when he broke her heart. He broke her heart, and she couldn’t care less, because she loved him, she shouldn’t care, because if he didn’t love her, maybe she could live life normally again.

“Okay,” she simply mumbled, walking out the room quietly, barely crying. She waited for this day, she knew she would probably end up crying, because, damn, dating someone famous doesn’t always end great.

He stood there though, confused, because his last break-up ended with his ex-girlfriend slapping his cheek, not too hard, but harsh enough to say, “fuck you.” But no, she handled it differently, she walked out, not even sobbing. Not to sound cocky, but wouldn’t a girl cry over a break-up from me?

And maybe when he stupidly tweeted, we broke up when someone asked where his girlfriend was, or why fans saw her back home. And that’s when it happened, he saw how much love she had.

Why.” Was mainly what he saw after he tweeted. He didn’t understand, he didn’t understand how important she actually was to fans, and to say, it actually surprised him. He thought she was just a normal girl, but she was more than that, she was fantastic.

What happened?” He saw more tweets swamping in. And to be honest, he was now sad, well, more sad then before.

“Hey, what’s going on?” His band mate asked, seeing his glum face. The poor boy slummed more, now hearing a familiar voice, only bringing back familiar memories.

“We broke up, and I think the fans are more upset that she’s not my girlfriend… Like…they care about her more.” He said, more like he was telling himself, then his band mate.

“What. Weird. Are you okay?” He asked, not knowing how he should help his friend.

“I’m… I’m not fine… I feel like an idiot. I broke up with someone who’s perfect, not only for me, but for…well…our family… Not like my parents and siblings kind of family, but the fans.” He mumbled, still mostly talking to himself.

“What, are you going to leave in the middle of tour to see her and hope she would just take you back so easily.” He asked, raising his eyebrow at his friend.

“Um, no. I’m going to let her go for now… I’ll wait until we go home, and maybe, just maybe, she’ll still be single.” He muttered, standing up, only to lie down on his bed, with the same glum look.


After the tour ended, he found himself wanting cry on the plane home. He didn’t though, but that didn’t mean he ranted his friends to sleep. After he got off the plane, he almost dead bolted off to the car, since one of the mum’s were picking them up – not that he bothered to remember which mum it was.

“Can you take me to her house?” He asked, handing a piece of paper of the address he made sure to always remember. Sure it’s been nearly three months since he even had to go to her house, but he would never forget.

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