Beautiful Life {luke}

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*Luke's POV*

She sat there, in front of bathroom mirror. The same thing every day. She would stand there, pulling at the fat of her stomach. Putting make-up on every morning. Making sure everything is in place. I could relive every day and see the same girl. She was insecure. She lived her life thinking she should look perfect. Thinking that models were what she should look like. Thinking movie stars are what she should be like. Thinking she shouldn’t be herself.

Her friends would visit, and all they did was talk about fashion and make-up. I didn’t understand it, but I understood she was insecure. She would listen to her friend’s criticism – which I hated.

“Babe, I need more eye shadow.” She yelled, and I saw he look towards me. “Oh, you’re right there.” She said, noticing I was in the doorway already. “I need to go shopping, do you want to come?” She asked. I shrugged.

“Only if you promise me something…” I said, pulling her towards me. “That you’ll take that make-up off. You’re too pretty for it.” I said, kissing her forehead. She was shorter, and her head fits perfectly in my chest. She buried her head on my chest before shaking it vigorously.

“No, Luke.” She mumbled, her voice muffled by my sweater. “I don’t like not wearing making.” She sighed before walking away from the bathroom.

“Honey, you look perfect. With or without make-up.” I said, chasing after her. Not that she was running away. “I just wish you would believe me.” I said, grabbing her hand, and spinning her towards me.

“You idiot,” She mumbled, “I love you, you know that right?” She said, shaking her head, before cuddling closer to me again. “I guess…for once…I’ll take my make-up. Only for you.” She mumbled, kissing my shirt lightly.

“Okay!” I said, cheering softly before grabbing her shoes. “Here,” I said handing her favourite pair of shoes. She smiled softly before shaking her head and putting the shoes on.

“Okay doof, let’s go.” She said, grabbing her jacket on the way out.

She sees the world through TV screens

All of her friends in magazines

But every day she lives a broken dream, yeah

Making her own reality

There's lots of make-up on her face

To cover up an empty space

But there's a lot behind those big blue eyes

She just don't realize

“What’s up with the dress?” One of her friends said, with a snarky tone. Everyone has a friend who they don’t know why they’re friends with, and I’m pretty sure that’s hers. “It’s too short.” She commented, looking at the length of my girlfriend’s dress.

“No it isn’t. It’s longer than my knees.” My girlfriend said, furrowing her eyebrows as she stared at the length that went past her knees.

“Who are you trying to impress? I’m surprised your boyfriend’s with you.” Her snotty friend remarked, “I mean, whoops, sorry Lukey.” She added, rolling her eyes. God I hate you, I thought mentally.

“I’m not ‘doing anything’, I just wanted something nice.” My girlfriend shot back, and I could hear she was pissed off now. “You’re such a bitch,” She whispered, mostly to herself.

“Hey, I give you fashion advice.” Her friend remarked stupidly. She’s stupid, and mean, and I hate her, and I don’t hate anyone, except maybe when I hated Michael, but that was different.

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