Yellow {ashton mainly, side luke}

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Main characters: Luke x OC x Ashton

Warning: near death, fluff and angst

Based off: Yellow by Coldplay

Words: 4.k5 [4.6k if you include the notes]

P.S. words in bold, in the dialogue, that will be 'her' usually, as in the main character.

He was perfect, but he was reasonable. He did everything, but he would do anything. He played guitar, but he taught me drums. He liked his hair under a hat, but he liked his wrapped in a bandana. He has long legs but he has shorted legs. He liked to work out but he didn't have to. He has blond hair but he had dirty blond hair. He had straight hair but his was curly. He was mine but he wasn't.

That's because Luke was my boyfriend, and Ashton was my best friend. But why do I want more?


I love Luke, a lot, and he's the best boyfriend I could ask for…but Ashton's on my mind. I wouldn't mind being his girlfriend. He's nice and funny. He's not the perfect boyfriend, like Luke, but he would try. At least I think.

He wrote me a song, even if he denies it. He doesn't like writing songs, that's why. Luke said he wrote about a girl, a girl whose his friend, and it had to be me, because she had my physical description. I had long hair, however, it went to my middle-back, and it curled so slightly at the tips. How does he even know that? He said she said brown eyes, but sometimes they looked green. And I know my eyes do that, because in the light, they're green. He said she was only a few inches shorted than him, and I was nearly 5'10". He said she preferred Vans over heels, and I hate heels.

So does that mean he loves me? Or does that mean he needed an inspiration?

He tells the boys he doesn't like going on dates, because he was waiting for someone. That could be me, right, I mean I am dating his band mate. I'd wait for him too.

Luke talked to me tonight, asking why I was spacing out more. I don't know how to answer that. Do I tell him I've been thinking of his best mate. Do I tell him I love him still. Do I tell him I wish he were home more? Do I tell him to bugger off, because it's my business?

I can't do any of that. Because all would somehow break someone's heart. I don't know how, but it does.

And maybe, just maybe, I wish Luke would mess up. Maybe I wish he wasn't so perfect. Because I wish I had a proper reason to tell him I couldn't love him any more than I do now. I couldn't tell him I wouldn't marry him, because he's too perfect to say no to. I just can't.

But I can't love his best mate.


  “Look at the stars, look how they shine for you, and everything you do. Yeah, they were all yellow.”

I looked at the sky, and saw he bright the stars were. Stars were fascinating, weren't they. They shine so bright, yet they are so far away. They're so old and are set to die. Wow getting a little poetic there Ashton. But they weren't bright, they could never compare to her. Her, her with her bright eyes. Her with the bright future. She's brighter than any silly star a million light years away.

  “I came along,  I wrote a song for you, and all the things you do. And it was called "Yellow".”

I wrote a song, but I don't write songs, stupid isn't it? I'm in a band and I don't like writing or said band. But for her, I'd write a million songs.

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